Jin dynasty of purple tongzhi sword.
Wang Dun, an important official in Jinzhong, rebelled, and his brother Wang Dao and his family were implicated, and they were guilty outside the palace. When Zhou Boren entered the palace, Wang Dao interceded with him. Zhou Boren ignored it on the surface. But actively advised the emperor to offend Wang Dao and intercede for Wang Dao. Wang Dao doesn't know, so he bears a grudge.
Later, Wang Dun was in power and asked Wang Dao if he wanted to kill Zhou Boren. Wang Dao said nothing, which eventually led to Zhou Boren's murder. Later, Wang Dao found Zhou Boren's previous memorial from the library and suddenly realized that he was crying: "I won't kill Boren. Boren died because of me. In the nether world, I lost this good friend!"