Pygmalion Effect in Psychology
Influence on the field of psychology: Pygmalion Effect: also translated as "Pygmalion Effect", "Pygmalion Effect", Proposed by famous American psychologists Robert Rosenthal and Jacobson. They conducted an interesting study based on the original myth. They first found a school and then got a list of all students from the school. After sampling, they provided the school with a list of students and told the school that they had found through a test that these students were highly talented but had not yet shown them in their studies. In fact, these are a few people randomly selected from the list of students. Interestingly, these students did perform much better academically than other students when tested at the end of the school year. Researchers believe that this is due to the influence of teachers' expectations. Because the teacher thinks that this student is a genius, he places greater expectations on him, gives him more attention during class, and conveys to him the message "you are excellent" through various methods. The student feels the teacher's attention and thus produces A motivating effect to work harder when studying and thus achieve good results. This phenomenon shows that teachers have different expectations, have different methods of influencing children, and the children are affected differently. Rosenthal named it the Pygmalion effect, after the protagonist in Greek mythology. Also known as the "RobertRosenthal Effect" or the "expectation effect". : "If you say you can do it, you can do it, and if you don't, you can do it; if you say you can't, you can't do it, and you can't do it."
The Pygmalion Effect means that whatever people think and believe in their hearts will lead to such achievements. . What you expect, you get. What you get is not what you want, but what you expect. As long as you have confident expectations, as long as you really believe that things will go smoothly, things will go smoothly. On the contrary, if you believe that things will continue to encounter resistance, these resistances will arise. Successful people will develop a confident attitude. , believe that good things will definitely happen. This attitude, called positive expectations, is the attitude of a winner. Expect in advance that you will definitely win, and stick to this belief, so as long as you have confident expectations. Even if the information you hold when expecting is incorrect, you will still get the results you expect. In our lives, our parents’ expectations of us, our boss’s expectations of us, our expectations of others, especially our children, spouses, colleagues, and subordinates, as well as our expectations of ourselves, are all expectations of us. Expectations that have a major impact on whether life is enjoyable or not. If you have extremely high and positive expectations for yourself, say to yourself every morning: "I believe something great will happen today." This exercise will change your entire attitude, making you full of confidence and expectations every day of your life.
The Pygmalion Effect tells us that when we have very strong expectations for something, what we expect will appear.