1. Obeying the law means justice; the conscience of an upright person approves justice and condemns injustice.
From: [Holland] Grotius's "The Law of War and Peace"
Introduction: Hugo Grotius (1583-1645), a pioneer of modern Western thought , the founder of international law, was respected as the "Father of International Law" and the "Father of Natural Law" at the same time. Henry IV praised him as "the miracle of the Netherlands".
2. Only when a citizen can obey the laws of the state is he deemed worthy of enjoying the rights and interests of the state.
From: [Holland] Spinoza's "Theological Politics"
Introduction: Baruch de Spinoza (November 24, 1632) February 21, 1677), a Jew, one of the three major rationalists recognized in modern Western philosophy, as famous as Descartes and Leibniz.
3. Only in a social state, good and evil are determined by public contracts. Everyone is bound by the law and must obey the government.
From: [Holland] Spinoza's "Ethics"
4. Under a legal government, what is the golden rule for good citizens? That is "stern obedience" , criticize freely”.
From: [English] Bentham's "On Government"
Introduction: Jeremy Bentham (Jeremy Bentham, February 15, 1748 - June 1832) June 6) was a British jurist, utilitarian philosopher, economist and social reformer.
5. If there are many pairs of eyes watching keenly, everyone will abide by the law to maintain peace.
From: [English] Winstanley's "Selected Works of Winstanley"
Introduction: Gerard Winstanley (about 1609-1652) was a British digger in the seventeenth century. A famous leader and outstanding thinker of the movement.