4. Those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are good are not as happy as those who are good-Confucius 5. In a threesome, there must be a teacher. Choose those who are good and follow them, and change those who are not good-Confucius
6. Be happy in Poetry, stand on ceremony, and be happy-Confucius 7. Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you-Confucius 8. Reading is like writing-Du Fu
9. Reading is three times, which means that your heart is there, your eyes are there. Go to Wan Li Road-Liu Yi
12. Black hair doesn't know how to study hard early, but white hair regrets how to study late-Yan Zhenqing 13. The book is affectionate like an old friend, and every blind date is gloomy and happy in the morning-Yu Qian 14. The book is still medicine, and good reading can cure fools-Liu Xiang
15. Young people don't work hard, but the boss is sad-"Han Le" Long Songs "16. Don't be idle, turning your head white and feeling sad —— Yue Fei 17. Make great efforts to know all the words in the world, and make up your mind to read all the books in the world —— Su Shi
18. Birds want to fly high, but people want to make progress, so they should study first —— Li Kuchan
19. If you are determined to think about your true character, you must do your best to study ——— Ruan Yuan < Don't do nothing with kindness and smallness —— Chen Shou's History of the Three Kingdoms
22. Read 3 Tang poems by heart, and you can sing even if you can't write poems —— Sun Zhu's Preface to 3 Tang poems
23. You hate less when you use books, and you don't know how difficult it is unless you go through it ——— Lu You
24. Ask the canal to be so clear, because there is a source of living water. Those who are obsessed with art must be skilled-Pu Songling
27, who has read a hundred times, can see his own meaning-The History of the Three Kingdoms
28, a journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step-Lao Tzu
will see it when reading a novel, and the above can be used for reference, thank you.