Mr. Wang said: I can't learn. Green is taken from blue, and green is blue; Ice and water are cooler than water. The wood is straight in the rope, thinking it is a wheel, and its curve is in the gauge; Although there is a crisis, those who stop coming forward will make it happen. Therefore, the wood is straight by the rope, the gold is sharp, the gentleman is knowledgeable, and he saves himself every day, so he knows clearly without fault.
Think all day long, it is better to learn it in a moment; I've tasted it and I'm looking forward to it. Let's go hiking. Climb a trick, the arm does not lengthen, but the person you see is far away; Call with the wind, the sound does not add disease, the listener shows. Those who cheat horses are not good enough, but cause thousands of miles; A man who pretends to be a boat can't swim, but he can't swim. The life of a gentleman is the same, and the goodness lies in personal leave.
Accumulated soil becomes mountains, and the wind and rain are prosperous; The water drops merged into the ocean and the dragon was born; Accumulate goodness into virtue, the gods are complacent, and the sacred heart is prepared. Therefore, you can't take Wan Li Road without accumulating steps; If you don't accumulate small streams, you won't be a river. Leap, not ten steps; This is a great contribution to the success of Ma Xu. Perseverance, rotten wood can't be carved; Perseverance, the stone can be carved. Earthworms do not have the advantages of minions, and their bones and muscles are strong. They eat the earth and drink the yellow land with their hearts. The crab kneels six times and pinches twice. It's not that the snake hole has no sustenance, it's also impetuous.
The teacher said
Han Yu
Ancient scholars must have teachers. Teacher, so preach and teach to solve doubts. People are not born knowing, who can have no doubt? If you are confused and don't follow the teacher, you will be confused and you will never understand. Before I was born, I studied Tao before I was born, so I learned from Tao. After I was born, I studied Taoism first, so I studied Taoism. I am a teacher, and I don't know that years were born in me. Therefore, there is no nobility, no inferiority, no length, no shortage, and the existence of Tao and the existence of teachers.
Ha ha! It's been a long time since the teacher passed on the Tao! It's hard to be confused! The ancient sages are far away, and they are still in the teacher's question; Today's people are far from saints, and they are ashamed to learn from their teachers. So saints are good for saints, and fools are good for fools; That's why saints are holy and fools are stupid! Love your son and choose a teacher to teach him. If you are in his body, you will feel ashamed and confused for your teacher! The boy's teacher, the sentence of teaching and learning books, is not the person I am talking about telling his story and solving his confusion. I don't know, I don't understand, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. Witch doctors and musicians are not ashamed and learn from each other; The families of the scholar-officials called their teacher disciple Yun, and they got together and talked and laughed. When asked, he said, "He is almost the same as that year, and in the same way. Humble and shameful, officials are close. " Oh! The teacher's way is unknown. Witch doctors and musicians are skilled workers, and gentlemen are dismissive. Today, its wisdom is out of reach, strange and embarrassing!
Saint impermanence teacher. Confucius studied under Tan Zi, Changhong, Shi Xiang and Lao Dan. Scorpions' disciples are not as clever as Confucius. Confucius said, "If you have three friends, you must have a teacher." So disciples don't have to be inferior to teachers, and teachers don't have to be superior to disciples. There is a sequence of knowledge, and there is specialization in the industry, that's all.
Li, seventeen years old, is good at classical Chinese and six arts. He knows everything and studies in his spare time. Yu Jiaqi can follow the ancient road and write Shi Shuo to make it last forever.
2. Classical Chinese about reading ◆ Night lights and chickens are the time for men to study. Teenagers only know how to play, but don't know how to study hard. When they are old, they regret why they didn't know how to study hard when they were young. -Yan Zhenqing ◆ If you are persistent in sex, you are determined to win: Therefore, those who are persistent in books must work hard, and those who are persistent in art must be skilled. Those who have fallen into the world and accomplished nothing are all self-proclaimed non-idiots. -Pu Songling's "PO" ◆ Books are like the sea, which are available in department stores. You can't have all the energy, but you can get what spring wants. Therefore, I hope that scholars will ask questions one by one. -Su Shi's "Introduction to Dongpo's Collected Works" ◆ When reading a text, you must look at it in large sections, cheer up, straighten your bones and muscles, and don't fall asleep, just like a sword behind you. A paragraph should be thorough, with the first stroke ending, and the first stroke ending. Don't press the brochure, cover it and forget it. -Zhu's Zhuzi Language Collection ◆ Three to three readings mean that the heart is there, the eyes are there, and the mouth is there. I'm absent-minded, absent-minded, and I'm not single-minded. I only read waves. You will never remember it, and it won't last long. Of the three, the heart is the most urgent, the heart is there, and the eye is not there? . -Zhu's "The Law of Training and Learning" ◆ Learning is expensive but not expensive. ..... It's better to know one thing than ten things. -Dai Zhen's Chronicle of Mr. Yuan ◆ Reading is the most useless thing. -Zheng Banqiao ◆ Sensitive and studious, not shy about asking questions. -Confucius ◆ The industry is good at diligence, and it is boring to play with things; What I did was thought, but it was destroyed. -Han Yu ◆ Learning without thinking is useless, thinking without learning is dangerous. -Confucius ◆ Knowing is not as good as being good, and being good is not as good as being happy. -Confucius ◆ In a threesome, there must be a teacher. Choose the good and follow it, change the bad. -Confucius ◆ Xing,, and Cheng Yu Le. -Confucius ◆ Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you. -Confucius ◆ Reading breaks thousands of volumes, and writing is like a god. -Du Fu ◆ Three to three readings, that is, the heart feels something, the eyes feel something, and the mouth feels something. -Zhu◆, the foundation is learning, learning is reading. -Ouyang Xiu ◆ Read thousands of books and take Wan Li Road. -Liu Yi ◆ Black hair doesn't know how to study early, and white hair regrets studying late. -Yan Zhenqing ◆ The picture is as deep as ever, and every blind date is gloomy and happy. -Yu Qian Excuse me, are you looking for a famous sentence or a celebrity anecdote?
Typing is not easy. If you are satisfied, please adopt it.
3. What are the classical Chinese texts about diligent reading? 1. Studying in Wang Mian?
Wang Mian is from Zhuji. When he was seven or eight years old, his father ordered Niu to go to Longshang, stole into the school house and listened to the students' endorsements. You don't have to recite it after listening. At dusk, you forget your cow.
Or those who bring cattle to blame (xi, trample) the fields, and their father gets angry and scolds them. They have recovered. Mother said, "I'm so stupid, why don't I listen to them?" Crown career
Go to live in a monk temple. At night, dive out and sit on the Buddha's lap and read with the ever-burning lamp. There are many clay figures in the Buddha statue, which are ferocious and terrible, and the children are peaceful.
See. The Han nationality in Anyang is different and recorded as a disciple. After his studies, he became a Confucian scholar. He died of nature. After his father died, he took his mother to the city to raise him.
After a long time, Simu went back to her hometown and bought a white cow to build a mother car. Because she was accompanied by an ancient official uniform, all the children in the village scrambled to hide their smiles and even smiled. (Collected Works of Song Shixue)
2. Fan Zhongyan is very interested in this world:
Fan Zhongyan is two years old, lonely, poor and helpless. I have little ambition. I always take the world as my responsibility. Study hard, or I will be sleepy at night.
Water surface; No food, just read with porridge. As an official, every passionate talk about what's going on in the world is desperate. He was even demoted and participated in the discussion of state affairs.
I will defend Dengzhou. Zhong Yan works hard and is self-motivated. He doesn't care about meat, but his wife is well fed and clothed. I often say to myself, "A scholar should worry about the world first."
And worry, the world will be happy. "
3. sima guang studious:
When Sima Wengong was young, he remembered to ask if he was a human being and gave lectures in groups. All the brothers began to chant and rest. Alone under the curtain, you can do it.
Repetition is the only way to stop. Those who work harder will go further, and what they recite will be unforgettable for life. Wen Gong said, "Books must be memorized, or on horses."
In the morning, or when you don't sleep in the middle of the night, you can get more by reciting its words and thinking about its meaning. "
4. Zhang Wuwei is diligent:
Zhang Wuwei is located in the horizontal shop of Jie Bao Temple in the west of the city. There is a short window in his bedroom, and he reads clearly under the window with a book every day.
If so, fourteen years. Back to the north, under the window and on the stone, there are traces of double coffins, which still exist today.
5, cut the wall excuse me:
Kuang Heng studied hard without candles. Neighbors can't catch candles (that is, candles can't shine), so balance is to draw its light through the wall and read it with books that reflect light.
City people can't read their surnames. They have money at home and many books. Therefore, Heng is cooperating with him, not claiming compensation. The master asked Heng strangely, and Heng said, "May the master read all the books.
Read it. "Master sigh, information in the book, then into the university.
4. Tales of celebrities learning classical Chinese Five stories of ancient people's diligent study-There was a man named Kuang Heng in Kuang Heng who liked reading very much.
But the family is poor, so they can't afford candles, and they can't light up and read books at night. Kuang Heng's neighbors have a good life, lighting candles every night, and the room is very bright.
He wanted to study in his neighbor's house, but he was turned down. Later, Kuang Heng came up with a good idea. He cut a small hole in the wall, and the light from his neighbor's house came in. He put the book in front of the lamp for easy reading.
Kuang Heng is reading more and more books, but what if he has no money to buy books? One day, he found a talented master with a lot of books piled up at home. He went to help the genius master's family when he had no money. The genius master was very surprised and asked him, "Young man, why are you in vain!" " "Kuang Heng didn't hide, so he said," I work for you, and I don't want to get paid. I just want to borrow your book. I wonder if you will agree? "Only God is very happy. He borrowed books from home and gave them to him. Later, Kuang Heng became a learned man. This idiom means that people should study hard.
Newton studied hard. Newton liked to make mechanical models, such as windmills, waterwheels and sundials. His elaborate water clock has won people's praise for its accurate timing.
Sometimes, the way he plays ball is also very strange. One day, he made a lantern and hung it on the tail of a kite.
When night falls, the lighted lanterns rise into the air with the help of the rising power of kites. Luminous lanterns flow in the air, and people are frightened and think there is a comet.
Nevertheless, he is often discriminated against because of his poor academic performance. At that time, the hierarchy of British feudal society was very serious. Students who study well in primary and secondary schools may discriminate against those who study poorly.
There was a game between classes. When everyone was in high spirits, a good student kicked Newton and called him an idiot. Newton's mind was angry at this * * *.
He thought, we are all students. Why should I be bullied by him? I must pass him! From then on, Newton made up his mind to study hard. He gets up early and goes to bed late. Every minute counts. He studies hard and thinks hard.
After studying hard, Newton's academic performance improved continuously, and he soon surpassed the classmate who bullied him and was among the best in his class. Famous saying success = hard work+correct method+less empty talk-Einstein didn't experience wind and rain, how could he see the rainbow-the real hero sharpened his sword, and the plum blossom fragrance came from bitter cold.
People who have made achievements in learning since ancient times cannot do without the word "bitterness". Genius is 99% sweat and 1% inspiration-Edison's artistic path is full of thorns, which is also a good thing, and ordinary people are discouraged, except those with strong will-Hugo Confucius is not ashamed to ask: In the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius was honored as a "saint" and he had 2000 disciples. Everyone asked him for knowledge.
His Analects of Confucius has been handed down from generation to generation for thousands of years. Confucius is knowledgeable, but he still asks for advice modestly.
On one occasion, he went to the ancestral temple to worship his ancestors. As soon as I entered the ancestral temple, I felt strange and asked others questions.
Someone laughed: "Confucius has outstanding knowledge, so why ask?" Confucius said, "Always ask questions. What's wrong? " His disciples asked him, "Why did you call Kong Wen Zi after Kong died?" Confucius said, "You are smart and eager to learn, and you are not ashamed to ask questions. It is worthy of being a writer." Disciple thought: "Teachers often ask others for advice, and they are not ashamed!" " Open-minded and eager to learn, willing to learn from everyone, including those who are lower than themselves. It's called "I'm not ashamed to ask questions", which tells the story of diligent ancient celebrities.
Liu Qi, a native of Pengcheng, Liang Dynasty, was "lonely and poor, but it was difficult to make lamps and candles, so he often bought them and burned them" and studied hard. Su Ting blows fire and reads books.
"Many fathers often mix with their servants and are eager to learn. Every time I want to study, there are always no lights and candles. I tasted in the stable and read by the fire. Too bitter. "
Chang Lin belt plough and hoe. At the end of the Han Dynasty, Chang Lin said, "I am eager to learn, and I have a plow and hoe.
It is often the wife who pays for her own money. Although Lin is in the field, she is also customer-oriented. "Shi biao hung up a book.
Shi Mi of Sui Dynasty was sent to the court of Yang Di as a bodyguard when she was a teenager. He is naturally flexible. When he was on duty, he looked around and was discovered by Emperor Yang Di. He thought the boy was dishonest, so he was excused from his job.
Shi Biao is not depressed. After returning home, he studied hard and determined to be a learned man. Once, Shimi rode an ox to meet his friends.
On the way, he hung Hanshu on the loudspeaker and took the time to study. This incident was passed down as a much-told story.
Dong Zhongshu didn't peek into the garden for three years. Dong Zhongshu devoted himself to research and worked tirelessly.
Although there is a garden behind the study, he concentrated on reading and studying, and did not go into the garden to enjoy it for three years. Dong Zhongshu devoted himself to research and became a famous thinker in the Western Han Dynasty. Youning sat down.
Guan Ning and Hua Xin were old friends in the Han Dynasty. One day, two people were reading at the same table, and some dignitaries passed by by by car. Guan Ning was undisturbed, studying as usual, and Hua Xin went out to see it, envious.
Guan Ning saw that Hua Xin and his friends were not really like-minded, so he cut the table and sat down. Guan Ning finally made a career! Kuang Heng stole the light.
In the Western Han Dynasty, there was a particularly learned man named Kuang Heng. When Kuang Heng was a child, his family was poor. In order to study, he chiseled through the wall of his neighbor's illiterate home and stole a candle to read, which finally touched his neighbor's illiteracy. With everyone's help, Kuang Heng Jr. learned something. During the Han and Yuan Dynasties, he served as a doctor, and was recommended by Shi Gao, a general of Fu and Che Qi, and moved to be a doctor.
Che Yin capsule fireflies read at night. Che Yin was born in Nanping (now Hubei Public Security Bureau) in Jin Dynasty. He comes from a poor family, but he studies very hard. "The poor don't often produce oil, but Xia Yue practices holding dozens of fireflies to shoot books, day and night."
The story of Zhao reading has been circulated in history as a beautiful conversation, inspiring later scholars. Chen Ping endured humiliation and studied hard.
Chen Ping was famous in the Western Han Dynasty. When he was young, his family was poor and he lived alone with his brother. In order to maintain his father's orders, he was brilliant, childless and studied behind closed doors, but he could not get his sister-in-law's permission. In order to eliminate the contradiction between brother and sister, he endured humiliation again and again. With the intensification of his sister-in-law, he finally ran away from home and wanted to travel around the world. After being rescued by his brother, he no longer cared about the past. Finally, an old man came here to teach for free. After he finished his studies, he assisted Liu Bang and achieved great success.
Lu Yu abandoned Buddhism and joined the literature. Tang dynasty.
5. About "reading" the original classical Chinese, Wang Mian is from Zhuji. When he was seven or eight years old, his father ordered him to herd cattle (1), steal (2) the school house and listen to the students' endorsements; After listening, (3) recite it. Going home at dusk, forgetting the cow, my father is angry (4). As good as ever. Mother said, "My son is so stupid, why don't you listen to what he does?" Because the crown is gone, I live by the monk temple. Night diving (6) sitting on the Buddha's lap, holding the strategy (7) and reflecting the ever-burning lamp to read it, Lang Lang Da Dan (8). Buddha statues are all clay figures, and their faces are hideous (9), crowned with children, if Tian (10) doesn't know. (Song Shi Xue's Anthology)
Note (1) Grazing: grazing livestock. (2) Stealing: sneaking around, sneaking around. (3) do something: always (often), just. (4) Tart: Hit people with whips, sticks, etc. (5) Hey: Why? (6) Stealth: furtive, quietly. (7) implementation: holding a book. (8) Da Dan: In the morning, until dawn. (9) hideous and horrible: ferocious and horrible, (10): Tian: look safe and indifferent.
Wang Mian is from Zhuji County. When he was seven or eight years old, his father told him to herd cattle on the ridge, and he sneaked into the school to listen to the students. After listening, I always remember it silently. When he came home at night, he forgot all the cows he was grazing. Wang Mian's father was furious and gave Wang Mian a good beating. After that, he was still like this. His mother said, "The child is so obsessed with reading, why not let him?" From then on, Wang Mian left home and stayed in a temple. At night, he sneaked out and sat on the Buddha's lap, holding a book in his hand. By the light of the ever-burning lamp in front of the Buddha, the sound of reading was read until dawn. Most of the Buddha statues are clay sculptures, all of which are ferocious and frightening. Although Wang Mian is a child, he looks very safe, as if he didn't watch it.