If you are respectful, you will not be insulted, if you are tolerant, you will win people, if you are trustworthy, you will be accepted by others, if you are sensitive, you will be successful, and if you are kind, you will be able to win over others. ——Confucius
Appreciation; If you want to be respected by others, you must first learn to respect others. Be courteous to others and behave courteously and appropriately. Today, when we are vigorously promoting national culture, advocating human rights equality and humane management, it is a valuable asset that we can learn from.
Magnificence will bring your spirit to a new level
American educator William Phil said: "True happiness is not attached to external things. The pond is inward-looking. Overflowing from the outside, your happiness also comes from your inner thoughts and emotions. If you want to be eternally happy, you must cultivate your mind and fill your heart with interesting thoughts and ideas, because, Searching for happiness with an empty heart will only find a substitute for happiness. "Don't be afraid that your life will end, but be afraid that it will never begin." - Grace. . Hansen
A man took a boat to England and encountered a storm on the way. Everyone on the ship was panicked. He saw an old lady praying very calmly, with a very peaceful expression. When the storm passed and the whole ship was out of danger, the man curiously asked the old lady why she was not afraid at all. The old lady replied: "I have two daughters. The eldest daughter is called Martha. She has been taken away by God and returned to heaven. The second daughter is called Mary and lives in England. When there was a big storm just now, I prayed to God. If God takes me When I go home, I will go see my eldest daughter. If my life is spared, I will go see my second daughter. No matter where I go, I will be the same, so why should I be afraid?"
No matter what it is like? No matter what happens, you will never be afraid.
Leave your destiny to God and live every day fully and attentively.
"A fool pays tuition to study, a wise man studies with a fool's tuition" - Brazilian proverb
There was a stupid homeless man who often walked around the market. People loved to make fun of him and tease him in different ways. One of the most commonly used methods is to put a five-yuan and ten-yuan coin on the palm of your hand and let him choose, and he chooses the five-yuan coin every time. Everyone laughed when they saw that he was so stupid that he couldn't even tell the difference between five yuan and ten yuan. Every time I saw him pass by, I used this method to make fun of him again and again. After a while, a caring old woman couldn't help but ask him: "Are you really not able to separate five yuan and ten yuan?" The homeless man showed a sly smile and said, "If I take ten yuan, Yuan, they won’t let me choose next time.”
When people think they are smart, they are actually showing ignorance.
Let us get along with others in a meek and humble manner. That is truly the behavior of a wise man.
. "The failure of most people is not because of their incompetence, but because of their lack of concentration." - Giroud
A surgeon told his students: "When A surgeon needs two important abilities: first, not being nauseated, and second, having strong observation skills."
Then he stretched out a finger and dipped it into the plate. It looked amazing. In the gagging liquid, he then opened his mouth and licked his fingers.
He asked the whole class to do it, and they had no choice but to bite the bullet and do it again.
The doctor nodded and said with a smile: "Everyone, congratulations on passing the first test. Unfortunately, you didn't pass the second test because you didn't notice my licking fingers, not my probing." "The finger that went into the dish."
Have you carefully and carefully observed whether there is anything bad about the work you are doing?
It’s never too late to make timely adjustments.
A serious person must also be a wise person