You know the character Li Bai, who loved to play when he was a child. Once when he was at school, he slipped out to play. Li Bai came to the river and saw an old woman grinding something. He ran over and asked her what she was doing. The old woman said, "I am grinding the needle." Li Bai asked: Has such a thick pestle been ground into a needle? The old woman said, "As long as I spend time grinding the iron pestle, I will grind it into a needle one day." After listening to this, Li Bai hurried back to school and later became a great poet in the Tang Dynasty. After that, his poems have been handed down to this day. .
Sun Jing was from the A Jin Dynasty. At first, he was shallow and didn't get much attention. Even his family looked down on him. Later, he concentrated on his studies and closed the door. In order to spend more time studying and avoid sleeping by himself, he tied his hair with a rope. All he has to do is lower his head, grab the hair on his scalp, and get up when it hurts to continue his studies. In this way, he studied books and finally became a famous politician. Is that the same phrase "many things grind"?
This shows that as long as you work hard, you are not afraid of failure. We always admire the achievements of famous artists and think they are wonderful, so it is better to sigh. We seldom pay attention to the hard work behind famous artists and don't know the huge price they pay for it.
In addition to ancient and modern China and foreign countries, there are many people like this. As long as they insist on "many things are grinded" and "iron pestle grinds into needles", they will achieve their goals. There was a Brackett who found that 8 of the more than 400,000 X particles in the 20,000 Zhang Yun photos were bifurcated, thus promoting the development of atomic physics.
And Madame Curie, who was the first to board the French Academy of Sciences. He extracted a ton of industrial waste residue that might contain radium in cans. After several times of dissolution, precipitation and analysis, he finally extracted 0 years later. Madame Curie has made great achievements with 1 gram radium, which has become a new term "radiation" in science textbooks, a new unit of measurement "Curie" in physics and a series of scientific laws. She became a permanent milestone in the history of science. Isn't that the phrase "many good things grind"?
As long as we have perseverance, we are not afraid of failure. As long as you work hard, you are not afraid of anything. On the road of failure and success, we can only choose success or failure.
The history of science records the footprints of scientists' exploration, and the rust in the art palace engraves the course of artists' creation. These all repeat an obvious fact that no one can succeed easily. Opportunity can only be an opportunity for those who can seize it and make use of it.