Marx’s famous quote about profit is that capitalists are afraid of no profit or too little profit, just like nature is afraid of a vacuum. Once there are appropriate profits, capital becomes bold. If there is a 10% profit, it is guaranteed to be used everywhere. If there is a 20% profit, it will become active, and there will be a 50% profit.
It takes desperate risks. For a 100% profit, it dares to trample all human laws. With a 300% profit, it dares to commit any crime and even risk hanging. . Karl Marx was a Jewish-German philosopher, economist, sociologist, political scientist, revolutionary theorist and revolutionary socialist, and one of the founders of Marxism.
Definition of Marxism
Marxism is the scientific theory of the proletariat’s struggle for freedom and liberation and human liberation. It is the scientific understanding of the laws of development of nature, society and human thinking, and the struggle of the proletariat. The theory of nature and purpose covers a wide range of fields such as politics, philosophy, economy, society, etc. It is produced on the basis of critical inheritance of all beneficial achievements in human history.
The development of Marxism is beyond the reach of any other doctrine. It continues to develop with the development of the times, practice, humanities, and science, and will never stay at the same level. Because of this, there are many different versions of explanations and statements in the world. As the modern American Marxist scholar Darup said, in human history, there are few theories like Marx's thought.
Being unusually artificially distorted, in addition to Marxism-Leninism, many schools of thought believe that their own schools of thought are the orthodox inheritance of Marx. Today, the more influential and major camps include Trotskyism, Stalinism, Western Marxism, etc.