Ceng Zi said, "Every day, I ask myself several times: Have I done my best for others? Are you honest with your friends? Have you reviewed the knowledge taught by the teacher? "
2. Confucius said: "Miao Yan, Miao Yan, full respect, Zuo Qiuming's shame, Qiu's shame. Leave resentment on yourself, the shame of Zuo Qiuming, the shame of autumn. " (the fifth place of)
Confucius said, "Zuo Qiuming is ashamed of his sweet words and grinning and bowing, and so am I; It is shameful for Zuo Qiuming to make friends with people who have resentment, and I feel shameful, too. "
3. Yan Yuan and Ji. Confucius said, "Why not say what you want?" Lutz said, "I wish our horses and chariots would be light and travel with our friends. We have no regrets." Yan Yuan said, "May you get something for nothing without kindness." Lutz said: "I hope to have ambition!" Between the lines: "Old people are safe, friends believe, and young people are pregnant." (industrial field, scene 5)
When Yan Yuan and Lu Ji served, Confucius said, "Why not talk about everyone's wishes?" Lutz said, "I am willing to use my horse, chariot and fur with my friends. If it breaks down, I won't regret it." Yan Yuan said: "I hope I can do it without boasting about my own advantages and promoting my contribution." Lutz said, "What's your wish?" Confucius said: "I hope the old people can enjoy happiness, the children can be taken care of, and friends can trust me."
4. Confucius said, "Lord, he who has no friends is not as good as himself." If they pass, don't be afraid to change. "
Confucius said, "In everything, loyalty should be the most important thing. Don't make friends who are inferior to yourself, and don't be afraid to correct your mistakes."
5. Confucius said: "Good friends are three, bad friends are three: friends are straight, friends forgive, friends listen more, and benefit; Friends make friends, friendly and gentle, and friends make friends, which is harmful and useless. " (Article 16 of Ji)
Confucius said, "There are three kinds of beneficial friends and three kinds of harmful friends. It is beneficial to make friends with integrity, honesty and extensive knowledge. It is harmful to make friends with flatterers, people who flatter others but slander others behind their backs, and people who are good at rhetoric. "