But when we compare them carefully, we also find many differences. The most obvious is Confucius described in The Analects of Confucius, who has a relaxed and happy feeling and is not as nervous as Mencius. Therefore, Dacheng Zhisheng can maintain leisure and avoid the attitude of "petty and anxious" with the style of "upright people, take it calmly". . Confucius asked his disciples to express their wishes, and only Zeng Xi won his approval. What Zeng Xi said is roughly equivalent to our outing and picnic today. "Those who have taken spring clothes in late spring and won five or six titles, there are six or seven boys who bathe in the interpretation, dance in the wind and return in singing." Contrary to this attitude, Mencius advocated "being born in sorrow and dying in happiness". Confucius also said that if the food is not well cooked, if you don't eat it like this, you won't eat it like this, and your clothes should be cut colorful. Mencius did not hesitate to put forward that "there is fat in the barn, fat horses in the stables, and hungry people have hunger." Moreover, the phrase "the old man turned to the ravine, and the strong man scattered everywhere" often appeared in his mouth.
Confucius did not directly mention the goodness or evil of human nature. The word "benevolence" appeared 66 times in the Analects of Confucius, and no two places have the same explanation. But since he said that although he is a saint, he should always be vigilant against cruelty, which shows that he believes that sexual evil comes from nature. He also said that "you will know benevolence when you read it", as if this ability to correct mistakes and promote yourself to be good, although active, will still be produced by internal and external observation. Mencius was not so hesitant. He once said categorically: "the goodness of human nature is still under the water;" There is nothing wrong with people and there is nothing wrong with water. " By his own admission, Confucius studied all his life and didn't do whatever he wanted until he was 70. Mencius' self-confidence can be seen from a sentence he said, "I am good at cultivating my noble spirit." This moral force, as he explained, is purely internal and self-generated. Therefore, he said, "Anatole is also suitable for the fittest, and there are also promising people." In other words, everyone can be a saint.
Confucius attached great importance to "ceremony". Although Confucius praised Guan Zhong's contribution to state affairs, he did not hesitate to criticize others for transcending the boundaries between people and ministers. Yan Yuan is a proud disciple of Confucius. Confucius wept bitterly when he died. But according to the principle of "courtesy", Confucius opposed the burial of Yan Yuan. Out of the need of "courtesy", Confucius met Nanzi, which made Luz feel very unhappy. Although Confucius was not worthy of Yang Huo, he still wanted to pay a return visit to Yang Huo while he was away for the sake of reciprocity. Mencius had no such patience. Qi Xuanwang said that he was ill, and he also said that he was ill. When he met King Liang Xiang, he came out and said, "I don't look like a gentleman." Lu didn't visit him or Lu. His gifts to the monarchs of various countries, whether accepted or not, are all his own. He made the funeral of Qi and sent envoys to Tengguo, but he never talked about envoys.
This difference cannot be said to have nothing to do with Confucius and Mencius' personality. Perhaps the materials and records of The Analects of Confucius and Mencius are different, and they also have influence. However, there is a gap of about 200 years between the most holy and the most holy, and the situation in China has changed greatly. Mencius said, "At this time, at that time.". These eight words can be used to explain the distance between them.
Confucius was born in 55 1 year BC and died in 479 BC, that is, at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period. Although the year of Mencius' birth and death is uncertain, his most active time is also in the early and middle period of the Warring States Period. Mencius first mentioned that he met Liang Huiwang in 336 BC, starting from the Warring States Period.