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English version of the speech "Dream" that shocked the world

Idon'tknowwhatthatdreamisthatyouhave.Idon'tcarehowdisappointingitmighthavebeen,asyou'vebeenworkingtowardthatdream.Thatdreamthatyouareholdinginyourmindthatispossible. pointment, alotoffailure, alotofpain.Themomentswhenyou'regoingtodoubtyourselves,

I don't know what kind of dreams you have. I don't care what difficulties you have faced as you move toward your dream, but that dream you have been holding close to your heart may one day come true. Although it may seem difficult to you, it is not easy at all. It's hard to change your life. In the process of working hard for your dreams, you will encounter countless blows, countless failures, and countless pains. There will also be times when you question yourself.

askgod "why, whythishappeningtome.Iamjusttryingtotakecareofmychildrenandmymother.AmItryingtostealorrobfromanybody?Howdoesthishavehappenedtome?" "Why is this my destiny? I just want to take good care of my children and parents, not to steal or rob. Why would something like this happen to me? "Those who have encountered difficulties, don't give up on your dreams. Hard days will come, but they will be a thing of the past.

Uniqueness is not this wonderful as alltellitdelusive. Godlikefeaturinginthat.Onlythespecialamongusarewillevertakeinsomethingthattrulyexistsinallofus.

Great achievements are not illusory and unrealistic, nor are they like gods that only extraordinary people can achieve. They truly exist in us. In everyone's heart.

It'sveryimportantforyoutobelievethatyouaretheone.Mostpeopletheyraisetheirfamily,theyearntheirlivingandthentheydie.Theystopgrowing.Theystopworkingonthemselves.Theystopstretchingthemselves.Thatalotofpeopleliketocomplainbuttheydon'twanttodoanythingabouttheirsituation.Andmostpeopledon'tworkontheirdreams.Why?Oneisbecauseofthefear,thefearoffailure .Whatifthingsdon'tworkout?Andthefearofsuccess,whatiftheydoandIcan'thandleit.Thesearenotrisktakers.

The important thing is that you believe that you can do it! Most people get married, start a business, live day after day, and then die of old age. They stop growing, stop exercising themselves, stop trying to surpass themselves, and then there are many people who complain about the status quo but do nothing. And there are more people who put their dreams on the shelf. Why? One reason is fear. What if things don’t go well? Also afraid of success. I am afraid that I will not be able to control the outcome if I succeed. They don't want to take risks at all.

Youspentsomuchtimewithotherpeople. You spend a lot of time interacting with other people, Successfully make others like you. You know other people better than you know who you really are. You study them, become familiar with them, and want to live their lives and become one of them. But you know what? Although you spend a lot of time with them, you lose yourself. I want you to learn to be honest with yourself.

It’s necessary that you get the losers out of your life if you want to live your dream. For those who dare to chase their dreams, life has a different meaning.

Whenyoubecometherightperson, whatyoudoistostartseparatingyourselvesfromotherpeople.Youbegintohaveyourcertainuniqueness.Aslongasyoufollowingotherpeople,aslongasyouwillbeacopycat. bodywanttohaveavision,it'snecessarytoknowthatyouareuncommonbreed,it'snecessaryyou'reallowingyourselveswithpeoplewhoaretryingtoenteryourbusinesswhoarehungry,peoplewhoareunstoppableandunreasonable,peoplewhoarerefusingtolivelifejustasitisandwhowantmore.Thepeoplewhoarelivingtheirdreamsarefightingwinnerstoattachthemselvesto.Thepeoplethatarelivingtheirdream sarethepeopletheyknowifit'sgonnahappen,it 'suptothem.

When you find yourself, slowly you will be different from others. Blindly following others will only become an imitator, and you will never get ahead. But you can be the best version of yourself. You should find your own value. It’s important to understand that other people cannot see, participate, or expand your horizons. You are unique. You have to believe that you are born different. Surround yourself with like-minded people, people who are courageous and will stop at nothing to achieve their dreams. Looking for people who are not satisfied with the status quo and want to go to the next level to work together. People who realize their dreams are those who work tirelessly for their dreams. They know that success depends on their own efforts.

If you want to be more successful, if you want to have and don't stop and never be bored, lethemall to invest in you, to invest in you, to invest in you. Someone has the opinion that you do not have to become your reality, that you don't have to go through life being avictim. ,Iamgonnaseeitfrommyself.

Want to achieve more success, Don't let yourself be idle, and find ways to get everyone to help you.

Invest in yourself, invest in yourself, invest in yourself! Some people believe that we should not be content with the status quo and should not be at the mercy of fate. Even if you feel discouraged, you must strengthen your understanding of yourself. Will I be able to achieve my goals? Even if no one thinks highly of me, I still want to think highly of myself.

This is what I believe and I am willing to die for, too. theleveleconomicallywhereyouwannabe.Andtousetimeyouinvestinmind,youarenotreadingbooks,Iamtellingyouthatallthebooksarethecompasses.

This is what I believe, till death do us part. No matter how difficult the current situation is, or how difficult the road ahead is, I can do it. I want to represent a belief, I want to represent a possibility. You want to get to the next level. I'm part of it too. I want to be an engineer. I want to be a doctor. Listen to me, you can do it and become the person you want to be. You have to take the time to get to know yourself. You don't spend time reading, but books are a compass guiding you in the right direction.

Iamtellingyoutoinvesttime.Iamtellingyoutobealone.Iamtellingyoutospendoutandgettoknowyourselves.Whenyoubecomewhoyouare, whenyoubecomethepersonthatyouarecreatedtobe,designtobewhoyou’redesignedtobe. tlikeyouorbotheryouanymore.Why?Causeyouarenotconsortwithpeopleandmakethemhappy.Becauseyoutrymore,youtrytoinvestyourmind.

You should make good use of your time. You should stay away from the hustle and bustle. You should take the time to get to know yourself. In order to make yourself the person you want to be, will become, and should be, and if you want to become such a person, you must recognize yourself and enrich yourself. You need to find a quiet place where people won't bother you if they don't like you. Why? Because then you won't bother socializing and pleasing others. You have to pay more to cultivate your own mental strength.

But youstilltalkaboutyourdream,youstilltalkaboutyourgoal,becausewearenotdonethatbig,justtakingfootsteps.Thatyoucanmakeyourparentsproud,youcanmakeyourschoolproud,youcanchargemillionsofpeople'slife. saysyoucancountonmeandtheydon'tcomethrough.Whatifwehavethatkindofattitudewedon'tpossess.Nobodybelievesinyouandyou'velostagainagainandagain.Yourlifehascutoff,butyoustilllookingatyourgrieve,revealingiteverydayandthesingularstepisnotover .

You still talk about your dreams, you still talk about your goals, but you do nothing. We cannot achieve it overnight, but we must take steps one step at a time. You can make your parents proud of you, your school proud of you, and you can even impact the lives of millions of people. The world is different because of you, simply because of your achievements. Don't let anyone talk about your dreams. There have been times when people have rejected us. Maybe there was a time when you organized a meeting and no one showed up. But what if we have an attitude that others don’t have? No one believed in us and we failed again and again. Life seems to have no way out, licking the wounds and thinking about every day in the past, our footsteps have not reached the end yet.

ItellIaware, youcanliveyourdream!

I want to say, we can realize our dreams!



Dream is an expectation for the future. It refers to thinking about something in the future now or something that can be achieved but requires hard work. If it is achievable, a dream is something that makes you feel that persistence is happiness, and it can even be regarded as a kind of belief.

Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia-Dream