The years are like songs, and time is fleeting. Just as Confucius said, the passing of time is like a man, never giving up day and night.
“The passing of time is like a man, never leaving day and night.” is a famous saying of Confucius, which describes the continuous passage of time like running water, never to return. He laments the rapid changes in life and the world. The meaning of cherishing time lies in it.
From the Analects of Confucius "Zihan". Legend has it that Confucius heard that Luliang Hong (now Luliang Mountain in Xuzhou) was the most dangerous of the four dangers 2,500 years ago, so he took several of his proud disciples to watch the flood. Unexpectedly, when Confucius and his disciples were passing through a mountain nook at high speed, the mountain road was rugged and the axle of the carriage broke with a "click", so they had to stay for two days. Because there was a saint staying there, the Sage's Nest Village got its name. When Confucius and his disciples saw the flowing Sishui River (now the Yellow River) at the foot of the mountain, they were inspired and wrote, "The deceased is like a man who never abandons day and night."