Chapter four: the characteristics of western Marxism (capitalism and human alienation)
1) the creative destruction of capitalism
2) human alienation and commodity fetishism
3) Anti-capitalist alternative modernity scheme
Chapter five: Marcuse
Chapter VI: New Left Movement
1, Contemporary Western Marxism
Contemporary western Marxism is concerned with culture, thought and ideology.
2. Marx's criticism of modernity.
Compared with Weber and Simmel's direct criticism of modernity, Marx's criticism of modernity is mainly reflected in his criticism of capitalism.
The most revolutionary critical spirit of Marxism is to expose how people are in a state of "complete nothingness" under capitalist conditions. From the economic and philosophical manuscript of 1844 in the creation period of historical materialism to the creation era of Das Kapital, the concern about the alienation of real life has always been the main theme of Marx's theoretical activities.
People are full of hope for social progress and a bright future, but this hope will be dashed at any time because of the emergence of new risks and slavery.
3. The expansion of instrumental rationality in the view of Marxism.
In Marx's interpretation, the modern world expanded by instrumental rationality is the capitalist world, and the division of labor is an important cause of modern capitalism.