Confucius said: When fighting, use bricks to look at your face, not chaos. Since this is the case, it can be done alone or with friends, and it is a pleasure to work hard. No more, no more, no more, no more, no more, no more, no more, no more death, no more death!
Confucius said: When fighting, use bricks to shine on your face. It is not suitable to mess around. If you don't touch it again, shine it on the inside of death. If you die, you will be pulled down. If you are not dead, quickly get out of the way!
Confucius said: When fighting with bricks, aim them in the face; it is not appropriate to make a mess. The left hand is used to complete the right hand, and the brick is broken with the shoe until it is turned over, which is a great pleasure.
Confucius said: It is not easy to chop with a knife in a fight. If you can’t chop, you will chop to death. If you chop to death, you will pull him down. If you chop to death, you will chop to death sooner or later. When the police come, just run away. !