' The words must be written by the rope.' Self-cultivation: improve one's moral cultivation. Cleanliness: check the ropes and ink: criteria.
Improve one's moral cultivation, check one's behavior, and speak according to the criteria. It means to be strict with yourself and not violate moral standards in every word and deed.
Complete Works of Wang Anshi, Volume 64
The custom of the former king was bad, and the world benefited from it, so the strong would have no way to walk, the weak would not walk, the noble would be rude, and the lowly would not salute. Confucius' words must be written by the rope, and Dr. Chen Cai hates himself and leads the crowd around him. This is the so-called no-walking. There is a son's funeral in a business trip, and the right teacher hangs up, getting started, and there are those who talk to the right teacher, and those who talk to the right teacher, Mencius does not talk to the right teacher, and the right teacher does not talk. Mencius said, "I want to be a gift." When the party is right, it is not only the right teacher who doesn't say anything, but anyone who speaks with the right teacher doesn't say anything. This is the so-called no salute. However, Confucius did not deviate from the Tao by meanness, and Mencius was not rude by weakness, so he stood above the Millennium and became a scholar and teacher. The right teacher and Chen Caizhi's doctor should not be injured, so they have a life.
At first, people who don't know their fate don't use Tao to control them, but say, "How can I be trapped if I have a life?" From this, those who die under the rock wall are still alive. Softness is not polite, but says, "If you don't come out, you will be afraid of disaster." From this, it is poor and can be wise. It is inevitable for a husband to be soft without courtesy, but just not to be ruled by Tao, so the sixth day of Yi Travel is the same as the ninth day. Sad husband! If you leave the Tao to be in harmony with the world, go to the ceremony to follow the customs, and live in poverty, who can rely on this to avoid it?