This sentence comes from a famous saying in Zuo Zhuan, the original text is "a gentleman is not a tool, but a man is not feeling;" Fighting with a villain is the hand of a villain; Fighting with a gentleman is just the mouth of a gentleman. " It means that a true gentleman does not need tools or appliances to show his connotation, nor does he need to prove his moral level by fighting against villains. A gentleman disdains to argue with a villain, because it will only become a villain's work. Fighting the villains will only make people lose their dignity and bottom line. Fighting with a real gentleman will make people face real challenges and tests.
So the meaning of this sentence is that he would rather fight with the villain than say a word to him, because a real gentleman disdains to fight with the villain and disdains to fight with his mouth. He has his own bottom line and principles and will not be shaken by the words of the villain. Fighting with villains will only make people lower their status and dignity, while a real gentleman will prove his nobility and quality through his actions and words, rather than showing his strength through quarrels and fights.