4, the ear has no bottom, you can hear from morning till night. (African proverb) 5. Curious people only make five kinds of fools; He who is ashamed to ask questions is a fool all his life. -anonymous 6. Scholars must doubt first. -Cheng Yi 7. People who are suspicious but not suspicious have never learned. Learning requires doubt. -Zhang Zai 8. Dai Zhen: He is good at questioning and asking questions. When he was a child, he read Zhu's "University Chapters" and asked when this book was written and when Zhu was from. The teacher told him that this book was written in the Zhou Dynasty and Zhu was a great scholar in the Song Dynasty. More than a thousand years ago, he asked people in the Song Dynasty how to know the author's meaning and eventually became a scholar in the Qing Dynasty. 9. Newton: An apple landed. He insisted on asking the truth and finally founded the theory of "gravity" that dominated human thought. Reading enriches one's mind, discussion distinguishes right from wrong, and notes make knowledge accurate. bacon