Its original intention is that the price of a commodity will be cheap if it is expensive to a certain extent, and expensive if it is cheap to a certain extent. From an economic point of view, it reflects the most basic economic truth, that is, the price fluctuates around the value, reflecting the mutual influence and restriction between price and supply and demand, and from a philosophical point of view, reflecting the mutual transformation of contradictory parties according to certain conditions. Quantitative change to a certain extent will inevitably lead to qualitative change.
From the perspective of finding business opportunities, "when it comes to its advantages and disadvantages, you will know how expensive it is." Expensive is anti-cheap, and cheap is anti-expensive. " By observing the quantity of products, we can know the price of goods. If the price is expensive to a certain extent, it will become cheap, and if it is cheap to the limit, it will become expensive. To this end, "expensive as dirt, as cheap as pearls and jade, Qian Qian wants to do it like running water." If the price is too high, throw it like dirt; if it is too low, buy it like pearls. Capital should flow like water.
"Expensive is anti-cheap, and cheap is anti-expensive." Ji Ran's theory shows that he can observe the mystery of price fluctuation with dialectical thinking. Even stocks with excellent performance and the most investment value will inevitably decline when they rise to a certain extent, which fully embodies the market law that extremes meet.