From: The Analects of Wei Linggong by Confucius in the Spring and Autumn Period.
Excerpts from the original text:
Zi Gong asked, "Who can walk for life without saying a word?" Confucius said, "I forgive you! Don't do to others what you don't want. "
Confucius said, "If I am in love with others, who will ruin my reputation?" ? If you are famous, you have to try. Simin also, the reason why the three generations went straight. "
Confucius said, "I still lack literature and history. The one with the horse lent it to others and is now dead. "
Zi Gong asked Confucius, "Is there a sentence that can be pursued for life?" Confucius replied: "This is forgiveness! Don't impose what you don't want on others. "
Confucius said, "Who have I slandered for others? Who have you praised? If there is praise, it must be an exam. People in Xia, Shang and Zhou did this, so three generations can go straight. "
Confucius said, "I can still see the doubts in the history books. People who have horses (who can't train by themselves) give them to others first. This spirit is gone today. "
Extended data
This sentence reveals the important principles of dealing with interpersonal relationships. Confucius said that people should treat others with their own behavior as a reference. People should have a broad mind. When dealing with people, don't be narrow-minded, be generous and forgive others. If you impose what you don't want on others, it will not only destroy the relationship with others, but also make things deadlocked and out of control.
The communication between people should adhere to this principle, which is the embodiment of respecting others and treating others equally. In this world, we should not only pay attention to our own existence, but also pay attention to the existence of others. Everyone is equal. Do not do to others what you don't want them to do to you.
Character achievement:
During the Spring and Autumn Period of Confucius' life, the political system based on blood clan (nationality) collapsed in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and China people's world outlook based on cultural identity began to take shape. Some people began to think about heaven, life and world order, and the culture and education originally monopolized by nobles gradually flowed into the people.
Confucius is one of the representatives of the spirit of this era. He initiated a hundred schools of thought during the Warring States Period. Yi Zhuan, Chun Qiu, Xiao Jing and The Analects of Confucius are the main works to understand his own thoughts.
Tired of studying and teaching, Confucius became the "Great Sage" of China. He advocates "no class", with as many as 3000 students. Judging from the Analects of Confucius, what he teaches students is only the answers to the necessary questions in daily life and the clarification of the necessary conditions for people to get along with each other. Its way is reasonable and ordinary, easy to know and easy to operate; But if you use it on your body, you will be cultivated, if you use it at home, you will be neat, if you use it in your country, you will govern your country, and if you use it in the world, you will be flat.
Confucius' theory of benevolence embodies the spirit of human nature, while Confucius' theory of propriety embodies the spirit of etiquette, that is, order and system in the modern sense. Humanism is the eternal theme of mankind, which is applicable to any society, any era and any government, and order and institutional society are the basic requirements for establishing a civilized human society. This humanitarianism and order spirit of Confucius is the essence of China's ancient social and political thought.
Through conversation and personal observation, Confucius learned and became familiar with students' personality characteristics. On this basis, according to the specific situation of each student, different educational methods are adopted to cultivate talents in morality, language, politics and literature. Confucius loved education and engaged in educational activities all his life.