Confucius said, "It is rare to listen to doubts more and think carefully about the rest. If you see more dangers, if you are cautious about others, you will regret it. If you don't say anything, you w
Confucius said, "It is rare to listen to doubts more and think carefully about the rest. If you see more dangers, if you are cautious about others, you will regret it. If you don't say anything, you will regret it, and Lu will be among them. "
Think twice before you do something, learn from others, don't blame others for their bad work, don't complain in front of others, and don't regret what you have done. This is the basic principle of job hunting, and it is also the principle of my job hunting. Only in this way can the leaders attach importance to you and affirm your work ability, but remember that it is useless to talk less and do more, and keep your confidence even if you make mistakes. Work hard.