The so-called JOJO stand refers to the various magical POSEs drawn with unique brushwork by Araki Hirohiko, the author of the comic "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump. Represented by the cover image of the single volume, the unique POSE created based on Mr. Araki's unique taste and understanding of people has attracted much attention. It is just a standing posture, forming a unique JOJO stand in the world of JOJO.
Extended information:
JOJO introduction of various characters:
1. High Speed ??Star
Put your hands together and hang them down, lowering your waist lower. Your eyes must be firmly locked on the camera.
2. Polnareff
It is characterized by its wrists and elbows bent at right angles. Then the key point is to tighten your fingers hard.
3. Kishibe Rohan
His characteristic is that his elbows are bent. And also bend your knees.
4. Jotaro Kujo
"You've pissed me off!" Now please point this sentence at the other person with the pressure that seems to come out of your mouth.
5. Higashikata Josuke
Although the hand posture is simpler than Jotaro, the twist of the waist is very difficult! In addition, the hands are in a position that half covers the face.
6. Risu raises his forearms high and locks his hands behind his neck. This is a characteristic of this posture. When doing it in front of others, please be sure to look down at them happily.