A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth.
“Our propaganda target is ordinary people, so the propaganda arguments must be rough, clear and powerful.”
“Truth is irrelevant and is completely subordinate to the psychology of strategy.”
[Reposted from Jagged Community/]
“It doesn’t matter what we believe in; what matters is that as long as we have faith.”
“Basic principles of propaganda It means repeating valid arguments and spreading lies over and over again to make people believe them."
"The masses have only a partial understanding of abstract ideas, so their reactions are more expressed in the emotional realm. Emotional propaganda needs to get rid of science. And the bondage of truth.”
“If you lie, tell a big lie, because big lies often have some kind of credibility. Moreover, people are more likely to fall prey to big lies than small lies. Because the people themselves often tell small lies about small things and are embarrassed to make up big lies, they never think of making up big lies, so they think that others cannot shamelessly distort the facts... Extremely absurd lies can often produce results, even After it has been identified."
"The mass media can only be a tool of the party. Its task is to explain the party's policies and measures to the people and transform the people with the party's ideological theory."
“Propaganda is the vanguard of an organization, and publicity is always just a means to achieve an end.”
“Publicity is like falling in love, you can make any empty promises.”
"Even a simple lie, once you start telling it, you have to tell it to the end."
"A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth."
"Newspapers are a tool to educate the people , must be made to serve the country."
"The speech in the newspaper should be consistent with the purpose and cannot be confused by the heresy of freedom of the press."
"The People's Republic of China. Most people are much more ignorant than we think, so the essence of propaganda is to insist on simplicity and repetition."
"Radios must be designed to listen only to German radio stations"