From west to east, from south to north, without thinking
"The Book of Songs, Elegance-Wang Wen's Quiet Voice": "Hao Jing Bi Lu, from west to east, from south to north, without thinking."
Zhang Tang's Ode to Zen in the Tang Dynasty said: "The ancients said,' From four directions to the east, from south to north, you can't refuse to think. "I believe that I know the merits of saints and see everything, so I am convinced."
Proverbs are a Chinese word, pronounced as y à n Y. Proverbs are an important part of Chinese and refer to concise phrases that are widely circulated among the people. Most proverbs reflect the practical experience of working people, and they are generally handed down orally. Most of them are easy-to-understand spoken short sentences or rhymes.
Ready-made words commonly used in people's lives. Proverbs are similar to idioms, but they are colloquial and easy to understand. Generally speaking, they express a complete meaning and are almost one or two short sentences in form.
Proverbs include a wide range of agricultural proverbs, such as "planting melons and beans before and after Qingming"; Some are rational proverbs, such as "As you sow, you reap"; Some common sense proverbs belong to all aspects of life, such as "modesty makes people progress, pride makes people fall behind." "Take a hundred steps after dinner and live to ninety-nine." And so on, a wide variety, countless.
Proverbs, like idioms, are part of the whole Chinese language, which can increase the uniqueness and vividness of the language. But proverbs and famous sayings are different. Proverbs are the practical experience of working people, and famous sayings are said by celebrities.
20 1 1 On May 23rd, 2008, proverbs (Shanghainese proverbs) were approved by the State Council to be included in the third batch of national intangible cultural heritage lists. 20 14,165438+1October 1 1, proverbs (folk proverbs in northern Shaanxi) were included in the fourth batch of national intangible cultural heritage list with the approval of the State Council.