Zong Youzi said: "It is rare for a man to be filial to his younger brother but like to offend his superiors; it is rare for someone who is not willing to offend his superiors but likes to cause trouble. A gentleman should stick to his roots. "Filial piety is the foundation of benevolence!" 1 Interpretation - Youzi said: "There are very few people who are filial to their parents and respect their elders but like to offend their superiors." There has never been a person who likes to offend his superiors but likes to rebel. When a gentleman is committed to the fundamentals, the moral principles will be formed: filial piety to parents and respect for elders. This is the foundation of benevolence! ”
2 Examples in life: If a person is filial to his parents, respectful to his brothers and sisters, has a harmonious family, and respects his leadership, then this person is benevolent, friendly, and worthy of association.
3 Examples in career: When Teacher Fan Deng observes a collaborator, he will first understand his relationship with his parents. The reason is that if this person has a good relationship with his parents, then his relationship with other people will also be good. . As Mr. Li Zhongying said: Everyone only needs to face two relationships in their life, one is the relationship between you and your parents, and the other is the relationship between you and other people. When the relationship between you and your parents is not handled well, then You will also have a hard time getting along with other people.
In the end, all moral sense, kindness and care start from the family and change from the initial interpersonal relationship. As Mrs. Thatcher said: You have to be careful what you think, because it will become Your words, you have to be careful with your words because it will become your actions, you have to be careful with your actions because it will become your habits, you have to be careful with your habits because it will become your destiny , 0.99 to the power of 365 is 0.03, and 1.01 to the power of 365 is 37.8. This is the effect of accumulation~~~Come on, duck! ! !