Zeng Guofan once said: those who are greedy for something in the world are half-baked, and those who are motivated are half-baked. Indeed, in many cases, half of the motivation for our pursuit of progress comes from interests and goals, while the other half comes from stimulation and persecution. As I said before, good performance is stimulated, and good skills are forced out. This kind of unconvinced psychology, this kind of state of holding back strength, is very important to a person's progress. On the road of growth and progress, we should not only have ambition, but also be unconvinced.
On the road of growth and progress, many people have the feeling that they have great goals but insufficient motivation. However, we can see that there are some people around us, who are very motivated and often can be conscientious, forget all about eating and sleeping, day and night, and persevere. So where does this powerful motivation come from?