Sir, I would say this is a very meaningful and valuable task. Worth my best efforts, sir. I feel deeply sorry and sad for Ryan's mother. I am willing to give my life and that of my men, especially yours, Leibin.
God, please don't be far away from me.
You are my strength, please help me.
God don't let me be ashamed.
Don't let the enemy play victory songs on me.
God is my strength, he teaches me to fight with my hands, and he teaches my fingers to fight.
He is my God and refuge, my tower and liberator.
He is me. I rely on
Be Not Thou Far From Me, O Lord
All My Strength, Haste They To Help Me
O My God, I trust in thee
let me not be ashamed
let not my enemies triumph over me
blessed be the Lord, my strength
which teaches my hands to war, My fingers to fight
My Goodness and My Fortress
My High Tower and My Deliverer
My Shield and He in Whom I Trust
I have been trying to be an honest and good person. I have not failed you, and I treat others as you treat me.