Cultivation of one’s mind and body 1. Confucius said: "If quality is superior to literature, then you will be wild; if literature is superior to quality, you will be history. If literature and quality are gentle, then you will be a gentleman." - "Yong Ye"
Explanation Confucius said: "If a person's simplicity exceeds his literary talent, then he will be a gentleman." It would be a bit rough; if his literary talent exceeds his simplicity, it would be a bit flashy. Only a balanced combination of literary talent and simplicity can be called an elegant gentleman." 2. Confucius said: "A gentleman is in competition but not in competition; a villain is in competition but not in competition." - "Wei Zheng" Paraphrase Confucius said: "A gentleman unites people without engaging in collusion and wooing; villains only engage in collusion and wooing without uniting people." 3 . Confucius said: "If a person has no faith, he does not know what he can do. A big cart has no hooks, and a small cart has no shafts, how can it move." - "Wei Zheng" Paraphrase Confucius said: "A person who does not pay attention to credibility does not know what he is doing." How can one live in the world? This is like a big car or a small car that cannot hold an animal without its key parts. How can one drive and walk?" 4. Confucius said: "The life of a man is straight, and the life of ignorance is fortunately avoided." - "Yong Ye" Paraphrase Confucius said: "People can live in the world with a clear conscience because they are in the right place; people who are not in the right place can also live in the right place." Living in the world is because he has luckily avoided disaster." 5. Confucius said: "Aspirations are based on the Tao, based on virtue, based on benevolence, and wandering in art." - "Shu Er" Paraphrase Confucius said: "Ambition is on the Tao, based on virtue, relying on benevolence, and on etiquette, Among the six arts of music, archery, driving, writing, and arithmetic, study and play to cultivate the body and mind.” 6. Confucius said: "Virtue is not alone, there must be neighbors." - "Li Ren" Paraphrase Confucius said: "A moral person will never be alone, there must be like-minded people to be his partners." 7. Confucius said: "A wise man is not confused, a benevolent man is not worried, a brave man is not afraid." - "Zihan"
Explanation Confucius said: "A wise man is not confused when things happen, a virtuous man is not sorrowful. A brave man has nothing to fear." 8. Confucius said: "The wise are happy with water, the benevolent are happy with mountains. The wise are active, the benevolent are still. The wise are happy, the benevolent are long-lived." - "Yong Ye" Explanation Confucius said: "Smart people like water, and virtuous people like mountains. . Smart people are active, and virtuous people are quiet. Smart people live happily, and virtuous people tend to live longer. ”
9. Confucius said: "When you see a virtuous person, you should think about it; when you see an ungrateful person, you should reflect on yourself." - "Li Ren" Paraphrase Confucius said: "When you see a virtuous person, you want to be like him; when you see an unworthy person, you should think in your heart Reflect on yourself to see if you have the same problem as him." 10. Confucius said: "A gentleman is understood by righteousness, and a villain is understood by benefit." - "Li Ren" Explanation Confucius said: "What a gentleman understands is righteousness, and what a villain understands is benefit." 11. Confucius said: "A gentleman is dignified and does not argue with others; he is gregarious and does not form cliques." - "Wei Ling Gong" Pie."
12. Confucius said: "Smooth words will ruin morality. Small intolerance will mess up big plans." - "Wei Linggong" The main idea: Confucius said: "Smooth words will corrupt morality. If you can't tolerate small things, you will disrupt big things." 13. Confucius said: "A gentleman has three warnings: when he is young, his blood energy is not stable, and the warning lies in his appearance; when he is strong, his blood energy is strong, and he should guard against fighting; when he is old, his blood energy has declined, and the warning lies in gaining."—— "Ji Shi" Explanation Confucius said: "A gentleman should be careful about three things: in adolescence, when the blood has not yet been developed, be careful not to be infatuated with women; in the prime of life, when the blood is strong, be careful not to be competitive; when the age changes, When you are old, your vitality has declined, so be careful not to be greedy." 14. Confucius said: "If you are knowledgeable in literature and make appointments with etiquette, you can live with your husband." - "Yan Yuan" Paraphrase Confucius said: "If you study cultural classics extensively and use etiquette to restrain yourself, you will not be tempted to rebel. " 15. Confucius said: "A gentleman seeks everything from himself, while a villain seeks everything from others." - "Wei Linggong" Paraphrase Confucius said: "A gentleman is strict with himself, while a villain is strict with others."
Be careful in your words and actions. Chapter
16. Confucius said: "A gentleman wants to be slow in words but quick in deeds.
"——"Li Ren"
Explanation Confucius said: "A gentleman should be cautious in his words and diligent in his work. " 17. Confucius said: "The ancients could not say what they said, and they could not catch it when they were ashamed. "——"Li Ren" Paraphrase Confucius said: "People in ancient times were reluctant to express their opinions easily because they thought it was shameful to say something but not be able to do it themselves. ”
18. Confucius said: “A gentleman is ashamed of his words and goes beyond his deeds. ——"Xianwen"
Explanation Confucius said: "A gentleman thinks that it is shameful to talk too much and do too little." ” 19. Confucius said: “If the state has the right way, speaking with caution will endanger the deeds; if the state does not have the right way, speaking with deeds will endanger the descendants.” ——"Xianwen" Paraphrase Confucius said: "If the country's politics are clear, then both speech and action must be upright; if the country's politics is dark, then the behavior must be upright, and the words must be cautious and easy-going." ” 20. Confucius said: “How can the French language be ignored? Change it to expensive. How can Xun say nothing to him? Make it valuable. If I say it but don’t explain it, and therefore don’t change it, then I’m done with it. "——"Zihan" Paraphrase Confucius said: "When you hear something that is in line with principles, can you not accept it? It is valuable to be able to correct mistakes after receiving them. Can you not be happy when you hear someone obeying you? It is valuable to be able to analyze and identify after being happy. But there is really nothing I can do about people who are blindly happy without analysis, or who accept things superficially but do not actually change them. 21. Confucius said: "If what he says is not true, it will be difficult to do it." "——"Xian Wen" Paraphrase Confucius said: "His words are bold, but it is difficult for him to do them. "QQJ China Children's Resource Network
22. Confucius said: "To make a mistake without correcting it is to make a mistake. ——"Wei Linggong" Paraphrase Confucius said: "If you make a mistake and don't correct it, this is the real mistake." ” 23. Confucius said: “A gentleman has nine thoughts: to see clearly, to listen to be intelligent, to look warm, to look respectful, to speak loyally, to act respectfully, to think doubtful, to think angry, to think difficult, and to think righteousness.” ——"Ji Shi"
Explanation Confucius said: "A gentleman should have nine considerations: when seeing, he should consider whether he understood clearly; when listening, he should consider whether he heard clearly; when dealing with others, he should consider whether he heard clearly; and when dealing with others, he should consider whether he understood clearly. Consider whether you are gentle, whether your appearance and attitude are respectful, whether you are sincere when speaking, whether you are serious when doing things, consider how to ask others for advice when encountering difficult problems, consider the consequences before anger occurs, and when you see fame and fortune Consider whether it is morally appropriate to obtain it. ”
24. Confucius said: “Those who die without regrets are bound to fight against the fierce tiger Feng He.” You must be afraid when things happen and like to make plans. "——"Shu Er" Paraphrase Confucius said: "I have nothing to do with people who fight tigers with bare hands and cross rivers without boats. They don't regret it even if they die. Tongwo ambassadors must be people who are cautious when encountering problems and like to use their brains to come up with ideas to complete tasks. 25. Confucius said: "Three pleasures will be gained, and three pleasures will be harmed." It is beneficial to enjoy festivals, etiquette and music, enjoy the kindness of Taoists, and enjoy many virtuous friends. It is a pleasure to be arrogant, a pleasure to travel, a pleasure to feast, and it is a loss. ——"Ji Shi" Paraphrase Confucius said: "There are three kinds of beneficial happiness, and three kinds of harmful happiness." It is happiness to be adjusted by rituals and music, happiness to praise others' strengths, and happiness to make more capable friends. This is a beneficial happiness. It is harmful to take pleasure in arrogance, to take pleasure in idle wandering, and to take pleasure in excessive feasting. ”
Benevolence and Morality Chapter
41. The Master said: “Only the benevolent can do good to others and do evil to others. "——"Li Ren" Paraphrase Confucius said: "Only a benevolent person can care for others with a correct attitude, and can also hate others with a correct attitude. ” 42. The Master said: “Knowing one’s words makes one’s appearance more benevolent! "——"Xue Er" Paraphrase Confucius said: "Those who talk sweetly and pretend to be kind are rarely virtuous! ” 43. Confucius said: “There are three types of gentlemen, and I am incompetent: the benevolent do not worry, the knowledgeable do not be confused, and the brave do not fear.” Zigong said, "Master, it is your own way." "——"Xianwen" Paraphrase Confucius said: "I have failed to achieve the three aspects of a gentleman: a virtuous person is not worried when encountering difficulties, a wise person is not confused, and a brave person is fearless. Zigong said: "These three points are exactly the teacher's self-comments." ” 44. Confucius said: “A gentleman takes his righteousness as a pledge and carries it out with rigor.
What a gentleman! "——"Wei Linggong" Paraphrase Confucius said: "A gentleman regards righteousness as the foundation of his life, practices it with etiquette, expresses it with modest words, and completes it with an honest attitude. This is a gentleman! ” 45. Confucius said: “When you go out, you feel like seeing a distinguished guest, and the people feel like receiving a great sacrifice.” And what you have nurtured, do not do it to others. No resentment in the country, no resentment at home. ——"Yan Yuan"
Explanation Confucius said: "When you go out to do things, you should be as serious as receiving distinguished guests, and when you serve the people, you should be as careful as undertaking important sacrifices." Don't force things on others that you don't want to do. No matter whether you are doing things in the country or in the family, don't let others hate you. 46. ??Confucius said: "Strength, perseverance, wood, and restraint are close to benevolence." "——"Zi Lu"
Explanation Confucius said: "Strongness, decisiveness, simplicity, and careful speech are qualities close to benevolence. "
47. Confucius said: "Benevolence is beauty. How can you know if you choose not to be kind? "——"Li Ren"
Explanation Confucius said: "It is wonderful to live in a place with a culture of benevolence and virtue. How can we be called smart if we don’t choose a place with a benevolent atmosphere when we choose a place to live? 48. The Master said: "Be benevolent and do not give in to the teacher." ——"Wei Linggong" Paraphrase Confucius said: "When faced with things that are in line with humanity, there is no need to be humble to the teacher." " 49. Confucius said: "Those who are virtuous must have words, but those who have words do not need to be virtuous. A benevolent person must be brave, but a brave person does not have to be benevolent. ——"Xianwen" Paraphrase Confucius said: "A moral person must have wonderful speeches, but a person with wonderful speeches does not necessarily have morality." A benevolent person must be brave, but a brave person is not necessarily a benevolent person. ”
50. Confucius said: “The gentleman is indeed poor, but the villain is poor in abundance.” "——"Wei Linggong
Explanation Confucius said: "A gentleman can stay in poverty, but a villain will do whatever he wants when he is poor." ”