1. Pray: The world will be harmonious and the sun and moon will be clear. When the wind and rain come, the disaster will not be severe. When the country is prosperous and the people are safe, war is useless. Chongde, Xingren, and cultivate etiquette. There are no thieves in the country. No regrets. The strong do not bully the weak, everyone gets what he deserves. May the mountains and rivers be safe and the world be safe. May we mourn the dead and pay tribute to the heroes!
2. Although these people have passed away, this era will always remember you, your sacrifice, and your dedication. Every year when the flowers bloom, pay tribute to the heroes!
3. The tenacious and unyielding Chinese people bowed their heads in silence for the fallen heroes. The five-star red flag was lowered to half to pay tribute to the heroes. You are the ones who will live forever and your glory will last forever
4. "Some people stay in this cold winter forever, so that more people can usher in spring." Pay tribute to the heroes, and may the deceased rest in peace. The mountains and rivers are safe, and I hope everyone in the world is safe.
5. Thank you for protecting us with your lives. We are all fine. The Qingming Festival mourns the dead and pays tribute to the heroes.
6. Some people stay in this cold winter forever, so that more people can welcome spring. Winter is gone and cherry blossoms are blooming. Pay tribute to the heroes and may the deceased rest in peace! The mountains and rivers are safe, and I hope everyone in the world is safe!
7. Deeply mourn the martyrs and compatriots who died in the COVID-19 epidemic. Pay tribute to the heroes and pay tribute to the deceased. The motherland will never forget and the people will always remember!
8. Pay silent tribute to the deceased! Pray for the living! Salute to the hero! May the country be peaceful and the people be safe! The heroic motherland and heroic people have written a touching chapter in the fight against the epidemic in human history!