Confucius said, "For example, if you build a mountain out of a mound, you only need a basket of earth to complete it, and then I will stop." For example, building a mountain on the flat ground, although only one basket has dropped, then I will move on. That's what I want to move on. "
Comment and analysis
Confucius here uses the metaphor of mountains and heaps of soil to illustrate the profound truth of falling short and perseverance. He encouraged himself and his students to be persistent and voluntary in knowledge and morality. This is very important for people who are determined to make a difference, and it also shapes their moral quality.
Logical argument
Arguments are divided into factual arguments and rational arguments.
Factual argument is a true description and generalization of objective things, which has a direct and realistic character, so it is the most convincing argument to prove the argument.
The factual arguments include 1 specific case, 2 summarized facts, 3 statistical data, 4 personal experiences and so on.
Rational arguments refer to those viewpoints that come from practice and have been proved and tested by long-term practice and come to the correct conclusion.
Rational argumentation includes 1 classic works, authoritative statements (such as "famous sayings"), principles, laws and formulas of natural science, etc.
And the above is a famous saying, that is to say, a reasonable argument.