1. Zeng Zi’s wife goes to market, and his son wants to go with her, crying as she goes. His mother said to him: "You go back, and when I come back, I will kill a pig for you to eat." His wife came back from the market, and Zeng Zi wanted to catch pigs to kill. His wife stopped him and said, "Then It's just for fun." Zengzi said, "You can't play with children. Children are not sensible. They should learn from their parents and listen to their instructions. Now you are teaching them. It's a lie. If a mother lies to her child, it's impossible to teach her well if the child doesn't believe her." Zengzi then killed the pig.
2. Guo Moruo and Banana Flower
Guo Moruo was very naughty when he was a child, but he was very filial. Once, his mother suffered from a "sickness", and Guo Moruo heard that banana flowers could cure this disease. This kind of flower was very expensive and rarely bloomed, so he and his brother ran to a garden to look for this kind of flower. It happened that a large yellow flower bloomed on the banana plant in that garden. Guo Moruo and his brother secretly picked the flower. Gave it to my mother. Although his mother knew that Guo Moruo was filial to her by doing this, her son's behavior made him sad. From then on, Guo Moruo never stole other people's things again.
3. Washington and the Cherry Tree
This is a widely circulated story. When Washington was a child, he accidentally cut down a cherry tree that his father loved. Washington bravely admitted it. This matter was forgiven by my father.