"A person cannot stand without faith" is a famous saying of Confucius, which comes from "The Analects of Confucius".
Zigong asked about politics. Confucius said: "If you have enough food and soldiers, the people will trust you." Zigong said: "We must leave as a last resort. Which of the three should go first?" He said, "Go away with soldiers." Zigong said: "We must leave as a last resort. Which of the two comes first?" He said, "Go and eat. Since ancient times, people have had to die, and people have no faith." Confucius said: "Prepare enough food and strengthen armaments, and the people will trust the government." Zigong said: "If you have to eliminate one item, which one among these three should be eliminated?" Confucius said: "Get rid of armaments "Zigong asked again: "If you have to remove one item, which one should be removed?" Confucius replied: "Because since ancient times, no one can escape death. It's just starvation, but a country will collapse if it cannot gain the trust of the people."
Quotes about integrity:
People cannot live like animals, they should pursue knowledge and virtue. . ——Dante
Human beings are given a job, which is spiritual growth. ——Leo Tolstoy
People should be wise in wisdom, morally innocent, and physically clean. ——Chekhov
The most immoral people in human beings are dishonesty and cowardice. ——Gorky
Losing integrity is equivalent to the enemy destroying himself. ——Shakespeare
Kindness-this is one of the great qualities of a genius. ——Angel
If you want others to be honest, you must first be honest yourself——Shakespeare
I firmly believe that only moral citizens can pay an acceptable tribute to their motherland. salute. ——Rousseau
Those who do not believe in their words will not achieve results——Mozi
Ask us to buy his honesty. What this kind of person sells is his reputation.