1. "Confucius said:' A gentleman has three precepts: when he is young, his blood gas is uncertain, so he should be careful; It is also strong and bloody, and it is fighting; Even when you are very old, your blood is failing, so you can get rid of it. " "( 16.7 P 174)
2. "Confucius said:' A gentleman has A Jiu: a discerning person, attentive, gentle, respectful, sincere, respectful, questioning, feeling difficult, which shows his meaning. ”“( 16. 10 P 175)
3. "Confucius said:' A gentleman is proud and does not fight, but a group is not a party.' “( 15.22 P 164)
4. "Confucius said:' A gentleman is loyal and unforgivable.' “( 15.37 P 168)
5. "Confucius said,' A gentleman doesn't praise others with his words, and he doesn't waste his words with others'" (15.23p164).
6. "Confucius said:' There is no dispute between gentlemen. Will shoot! Give up and drink. Its struggle is also a gentleman. " "(3.7 P25)
7. "Confucius said,' A gentleman talks but doesn't do it.' ”(4.24 P40)
8. "Confucius said,' A gentleman is ashamed of words but not of deeds.' “( 14.27 P 153)
9. "Confucius said,' A gentleman seeks for himself, while a villain seeks for others.' “( 15.2 1 P 164)
This is part of it. I found it all. You can take a closer look at Yang Bojun's comments on The Analects.