Confucius: "A gentleman is humble but not humble, serious but not arrogant."
Lu Xun: "Humility makes people progress, pride makes people fall behind."
Jack Ma: "The more successful a person is, the more he must be humble and look forward."
Xu Zhimo: "Humility makes people progress, while satisfaction makes people fall behind."
Love Einstein: "Be as hungry as you are for knowledge, and be as humble as foolish."
"Humility" is a Chinese word that refers to a person who does not show off his own merits or achievements in his words and deeds, but maintains a humble and courteous attitude. . Humble people typically do not brag about themselves or boast about their achievements, but rather treat themselves and others with humility.
Humility is a respectable quality, which shows that a person has a certain degree of self-awareness and self-control and is able to balance his own self-esteem and the respect of others. Humble people generally have an easier time building good relationships with others because they don't let their success and achievements turn into a sign of arrogance and conceit.