Time can get rid of worries and quarrels, because we are all changing, and it is no longer the same as before. The offender and the offended are not the people they used to be. -French mathematician and philosopher Pascal B.
Time drops in delay, like a candle burnt out.-William Butler Years, Irish Plet and Playwright
Time disappears bit by bit, like a candle burning out slowly. -Irish writer Ye Zhi W.B.
Time is a bird for ever on the wing.-T.W. Robertson, British drama
Time is a bird that flies forever. -British playwright Robertson. T.W.
Time is a great judge, even in the fields of morals.-H.L. Mencken, American arts article
Time is a great judge, even in the field of morality. -Ken, American literary critic. H l
time is a versatile performer. itflies, marcheson, heals all wounds, runs out and will tell. ———— Leon hard frank, Cerman novelist
Time is a versatile performer. It can fly, stride forward, heal all wounds, and leave an impact even if it disappears. -German novelists Frank, L.
Time Still, As He Flies, Brings Increase to Her Truth, and Give to Her Mind What He Steals From Her Youth.-Edward Moore, British drama
Time still brings her more truth in its flight, making her realize what her youth has lost. -British playwright Moore. E
Students who have enjoyed it carefully believe that they will all gain something ~