It is said that Dong Zhuo wanted to kill Yuan Shao, but Li Ru stopped him and said: "The matter is still uncertain, so you can't kill rashly." Yuan Shao took the sword in his hand, said goodbye to all the officials and went out, hanging at the east gate of the festival, and rushed to Jizhou. Zhuo said to Grand Tutor Yuan Wei, "Your nephew is rude. I look at you and forgive him. What about abolishing the establishment?" Wei said, "That's what Taifu saw." Zhuo said, "How dare you interfere?" Those who discuss it should act according to military law!" The ministers were horrified and all agreed to obey the order. After the banquet, Zhuo asked Zhou Yao, the attendant, and Wu Qiong, the school captain, "How is Yuan Shao going?" Zhou Yao said, "Yuan Shao left angrily. If the purchase is urgent, things will change. And Yuan's Shuen IV, The disciples and old officials are all over the world; if you recruit heroes to gather disciples, heroes will rise because of it, and Shandong is not a public property. It is better to pardon him and worship him as a county governor, then Shao will be relieved and there will be no trouble. "Wu Qiong. He said: "Yuan Shao is good at planning and making no decisions, so there is nothing to worry about. Sincerely, it is better to add a county governor to win the hearts of the people." Zhuo followed it and immediately sent someone to worship Yuan as the governor of Bohai.
On the first day of the ninth lunar month, the emperor was invited to ascend to the Jiade Hall for a civil and military conference. Zhuo drew his sword in his hand and said to the crowd: "The emperor is weak and cannot rule the world. Now there is a policy document, which should be read out." He ordered Li Ru to read the policy and said: "Emperor Xiaoling abandoned his subjects long ago; the emperor will inherit the throne. , Looking from the inside. However, the emperor was frivolous in nature, unruly in his dignity, and was indifferent to his great virtue. The empress dowager had no maternal etiquette, and the reign of the empress dowager Yongle collapsed, and the public was confused. Isn't there a gap in the principles of the law and the order of heaven and earth? . I hereby depose the emperor as King Hongnong, and the Empress Dowager returns the throne. Please appoint King Chenliu as the emperor, in order to obey the heavens and the people, and to comfort the people." After Li Ru read the policy, Zhuo scolded the emperor to go down to the palace and untie his seal ribbon. Kneeling to the north, he said he was a minister and obeyed orders. He also called the Queen Mother to serve the imperial edict. The emperor and the queen all cried, and all the ministers were miserable.
The minister below the rank shouted angrily: "The thief Dong Zhuo dares to make a conspiracy to deceive the heavens, I will splash blood on my neck!" He waved his hand and hit the elephant slip, hitting Dong Zhuo directly. Zhuo was furious and ordered his warriors to take it down: it was Shangshu Ding Guanye. Zhuo Ming took him out and beheaded him. He kept scolding him, but his expression remained unchanged until death. Later generations had a poem that lamented: "The traitor Dong Qian was pregnant and abandoned the plan, and the Han family clan and social committee Qiuxu. All the ministers in the court were included, but only Ding Gong was the husband."
Zhuo invited King Chenliu to the palace. . After the ministers came to congratulate each other, Zhuo ordered the Empress Dowager He, King Hongnong, and the imperial concubine Tang to stay in Yong'an Palace. The gates of the palace were sealed so that no ministers could enter without permission. The poor young emperor ascended the throne in April and was deposed in September. Zhuo Li established Wang Xie of Chenliu, whose pseudonym was Bohe. He was the middle son of Emperor Ling, that is, Emperor Xian. He was nine years old at the time. Changed to Chuping of Yuan Dynasty. Dong Zhuo was the prime minister of the country. He was praised and worshiped without fame, and he was not followed when he entered the court. He went to the palace with swords and shoes, and was extremely powerful.
Li Ru advised Zhuo to promote celebrities to gain popularity because he recommended Cai Yong's talents. Zhuo ordered him to conquer, but Yong refused to go. Zhuo was angry and sent someone to tell Yong, "If you don't come, your clan will be destroyed." Yong was afraid, so he had to come as ordered. Zhuo was overjoyed to see Yong. On the third day of the first month, he moved to his official position and became a servant. He was very friendly with him.
But it was said that the young emperor, the Queen Mother He and the Tang Dynasty were trapped in Yong'an Palace, and food and clothing were gradually lacking; the young emperor never shed tears. One day, I saw two swallows flying in the courtyard, so I recited a poem. The poem says: "The green grass is covered with smoke, and the two flying swallows are curling up. The Luoshui River is green, and people on the road admire it. Looking far away into the deep blue clouds, it is my old palace. Who is loyal and righteous, and vents the resentment in my heart!" Dong Zhuo often asked people to inquire. I got this poem today and presented it to Dong Zhuo. Zhuo said: "If you write a poem with resentment, you will be famous for killing him." Then he ordered Li Ru to lead ten warriors into the palace to kill the emperor. The emperor, the queen, and the concubine were upstairs. The maid reported that Li Ru had arrived, and the emperor was shocked. Confucianism served the emperor with poisonous wine, and the emperor asked why. Confucianism said: "The spring is harmonious, and Prime Minister Dong's country is offering longevity wine." The Queen Mother said: "Since it is longevity wine, you can drink it first." Confucianism said angrily: "You don't want to drink it?" He called to the left and right, holding short swords and Bai Lian said in front of him. : "If you don't drink longevity wine, you can receive these two things!" The Tang concubine knelt down and said, "I drink wine on behalf of the emperor, and I hope you will save the lives of mother and child." Confucianism scolded: "Who are you, who can die on behalf of the king?" Nai Ju said After drinking wine, the Queen Mother He said: "Can you drink first?" Then she scolded He Jin for his lack of plans and led thieves into the capital, causing today's disaster. Confucianism urged the emperor to force him, and the emperor said: "Let me say goodbye to the Queen Mother." He was so sad that he composed a song, and his song said: "The sky and the earth have changed, the sun and the moon have turned over, and I have abandoned thousands of vehicles and retreated to the feudal lord. I was forced to live in a short time, and the situation will end soon. My eyes are full of tears!" Concubine Tang also composed a song and said: "The emperor is about to fall, and the earth will fall. As an emperor, my fate will not be with me. From now on, life and death will be different, but I will be sad in my heart!" After the song, they hugged each other and cried. , Li Ru scolded: "The Prime Minister of the country is waiting for reward, you are waiting for Oyan, who can save you?" The Queen Mother cursed: "The traitor Dong forced my mother and son, the emperor will not bless you! If you help evil, your clan will be exterminated!" Confucian University Angry, he grabbed the Queen Mother with both hands and drove her downstairs; she ordered the warriors to hang the Tang concubine; and she poured poisonous wine to kill the young emperor.
I also reported to Dong Zhuo, who ordered him to be buried outside the city. From then on, he entered the palace every night, raped the maid, and slept on the dragon bed. He tried to lead the army out of the city and marched to Yangcheng. In February, the villagers gathered for a social competition, and both men and women gathered. Zhuo ordered the soldiers to surround them and kill them all. They plundered the women's belongings and loaded them into the cart. They hung more than a thousand heads under the cart. Even Zhen returned to the capital. He threatened to kill the thieves and return with great victory. They burned the heads outside the city gate and used the women's heads to kill them. The wealth was dispersed among the troops. Wu Fu, the captain of the Yue Cavalry School, whose courtesy name was Deyu, saw Zhuo's cruelty and resented injustice. He wore a small armor under his court uniform and hid a short sword. He killed Zhuo if he wanted to wait for him. One day, when Zhuo entered the court, Fu greeted you and drew his sword to stab Zhuo. Zhuo was very powerful and grabbed Wu Fu with both hands. Lu Bu then stepped in and grabbed Wu Fu. Zhuo asked: "Who taught you to rebel?" Fu stared and shouted: "You are not my king, and I am not your minister, so why rebel? Your sins are so great that everyone is willing to find and punish them! I hate that the car will be broken. You thank the world!" Zhuo was furious and ordered him to be cut into pieces. Fu continued to curse until he died.
Later generations wrote a poem praising him: "In the late Han Dynasty, loyal ministers said that Wu Fu was so heroic that there was no one in the world. He is still famous for killing thieves in the court, and he will be called a man forever!" From then on, Dong Zhuo often came and went with armored soldiers to protect him.
Yuan Shao Picture Album
At that time, Yuan Shao was in Bohai. When he heard that Dong Zhuo was wielding power, he sent someone to see Wang Yun with a secret letter. The book summary said: "The traitor bullied the heaven and deposed the master, and people couldn't bear to say anything; but the prince allowed him to be domineering, and if he didn't listen, how could he serve the country as a loyal minister? Shao Jin gathered troops to train soldiers, and wanted to clear out the royal family, but he did not dare to move lightly. If you are interested, you should take advantage of the situation. If you are driven, you should obey the order. "Wang Yun got the letter but had no idea. One day, he saw all his old ministers in the waiting room. Yun said, "Today I am surrendering. I dare you to bow down and come to my house to have a drink in the evening." All the officials said, "I must come to celebrate my birthday." That night, Wang Yun held a banquet in the back hall. All the officials are here. After several rounds of wine shops, Wang Yun suddenly covered his face and burst into tears. All the officials were surprised and asked, "Why are you so sad for Situ's birthday?" Yun said, "Today is not a humble surrender. I want to talk to everyone about it, but I am afraid that Dong Zhuo will be suspicious, so I asked him to tell me. Dong Zhuo deceived the master and took power, and the country was in ruins. It's hard to save. I thought that Emperor Gao would kill Qin and destroy Chu, and the world would be on the verge of death. Whoever wants to pass it on to this day will be killed by Dong Zhuo: This is why I cry." So all the officials cried. One of the people sitting there put his palms in his hands and laughed loudly and said: "The ministers of the Manchu Dynasty cried at night until dawn, and from dawn until night, can they still cry to death for Dong Zhuo?" Yun looked at him, and it was Cao Cao, the heroic cavalry captain. Yun said angrily: "Your ancestors also lived in the Han Dynasty, but now you don't want to serve the country and instead laugh?" Cao said: "I am not laughing at anything else. I am laughing at everyone for not having a plan to kill Dong Zhuo'er. Although Cao is not talented, I am willing to kill Dong Zhuo'er immediately. He hangs his head at the gate of the capital to thank the world." Yun asked, "What is Meng De's advice?" Cao said, "Those who have been striving to do outstanding things these days really want to take advantage of this." Cao Cao, because he has a good time, he heard that Situ has a Qibao sword and is willing to use it to assassinate him. Even if he dies, he will not hate it. "Yun said: "If Meng De has such a heart, the world is very lucky!" Drinking wine. I made an oath by drinking wine, and promised to take the sword with it. After wielding the Tibetan sword and drinking wine, he stood up and said goodbye to the officials and left. The officials sat for another time and then all dispersed.
The next day, Cao Cao, wearing a sword, came to the Prime Minister's Mansion and asked: "Where is the Prime Minister?" A follower said: "In the small pavilion." Cao Cao walked in. Seeing Dong Zhuo sitting on the bed, Lu Bu stood beside him. Zhuo asked, "How late is it for Meng De to come?" Cao said, "The horse's body will be gone late." Zhuo Gu said to Bu, "I have a good horse from Xiliang. Please pick one up and give it to Meng De." "The cloth leader ordered and came out. Cao Cao thought to himself: "These thieves are dead together!" He wanted to draw his sword and stab him, but he was afraid of Zhuo's strong power and did not dare to move lightly. Zhuo Pangda couldn't bear to sit for a long time, so he fell down and turned to face inward. Cao Cao thought again and said, "This thief should be put to rest!" He hurriedly held the sword in his hand, just in time to stab him. Unexpectedly, Dong Zhuo looked up in the mirror and saw Cao Cao drawing the sword behind his back. He turned around and asked, "What is Mengde doing?" ?" At this time, Lu Bu had already led the horse outside the pavilion. Cao Cao was frightened, so he knelt down with his sword and said, "Cao has a precious sword, and I would like to offer you my favor." Zhuo then looked at it and saw that the sword was more than a foot long, inlaid with seven treasures, extremely sharp, and a treasure sword, so he handed it to Lu Bu to collect. . Undo the sheath and cloth. Zhuo led Cao out of the pavilion to look at the horses. Cao thanked him and said, "I'd like to lend you a horse to try riding." Zhuo asked for advice on saddles and bridles. Cao led the horse out of the Prime Minister's Mansion, whipped up his whip and looked toward the southeast.
Bu said to Zhuo: "When Cao Cao arrived, he seemed to be stabbing, and he was beaten to death by drinking, so he offered his sword." Zhuo said, "I also doubt it." As he was talking, Li Ru arrived. , Zhuo told him what he had done. Confucianism said: "Cao has no wife and children in Beijing, and lives alone in his apartment. Now I send someone to summon him. If he comes without any doubt, he is offering his sword; if he refuses to come, he must be an assassin, so he can be captured and asked." Zhuoran said that he sent four jailers to summon Cao. After leaving for a long time, he reported back: "Cao did not return to his apartment. He rode out of the east gate on horseback. When the gatekeeper asked, Cao said, 'The Prime Minister sent me on urgent business,' and he rode away." Confucianism said: "Cao has a guilty conscience. There is no doubt that the assassination will be carried out." Zhuo said angrily: "I am so important to you, but you want to harm me!" Ru said: "There must be an accomplice, and we will know it when we capture Cao Cao." Zhuo then ordered all the documents to be drawn. Capture Cao Cao according to the shadow pattern: those who capture him will be rewarded with thousands of gold, and will be granted the title of marquis of ten thousand households; those who harbor him will be punished with the same crime.
Let us say that Cao Cao escaped from the city and rushed to Qiao County. Passing through Zhongmu County, he was captured by the guarding sergeant and captured by the county magistrate. Cao Cao said: "I am a merchant, and my surname is Huangfu." The county magistrate knew Cao Cao well, pondered for a long time, and then said: "When I was seeking an official in Luoyang, I recognized you as Cao Cao. How could you hide it! Let me put you in custody tomorrow. Go to the capital to ask for a reward." The guard sergeant gave him wine and food and left. At night, the county magistrate summoned his relatives and secretly took Cao Cao out to the backyard for interrogation. He asked, "I heard that the prime minister treated you well, why did you bring disaster on yourself?" Cao said, "The sparrow knows the ambition of the swan." ! Since you have taken hold of me, you can go and ask for the reward." The county magistrate stepped back and said to Cao, "I am not a common official, but I have not met my master." Our ancestors have been living in Han Dynasty for generations. If we don’t think about serving the country, how are we different from the beasts? Where do you want to go on this trip?" Cao said, "I will return to my hometown and issue an imperial edict to summon all the princes in the world to mobilize troops to kill Dong Zhuo. This is my wish." Upon hearing this, the county magistrate personally released his bonds and helped him. Sitting on it, he bowed again and said, "You are truly the most loyal and righteous man in the world!" Cao Cao also bowed and asked the county magistrate his name. The county magistrate said: "My surname is Chen, my given name is Gong, and my given name is Gongtai. My mother and wife are all in Dongjun. Now that I feel loyal to the public, I am willing to abandon my official position and run away from the public." Cao was very happy. That night Chen Gong collected the money, changed clothes with Cao Cao, each carried a sword on his back, and rode his horse back to his hometown.
After three days of traveling, we arrived at Chenggao. It was getting late. Cao pointed his whip at the depths of the forest and said to the palace, "There is a man here named Lu and Boshe, who is my father's sworn brother. So I went to ask for news at home and find a place to stay. How about it?" Gong said, "The best." Two When people arrived at the village, they dismounted and went in to see Boshe.
She said: "I heard that the imperial court was very anxious to arrest you. Your father has fled Chenliu. How did you get here?" Cao told about the past and said: "If it weren't for County Magistrate Chen, his bones would have been shattered into pieces. " Boshe paid homage to Chen Gong and said, "If my nephew hadn't been envoy, the Cao family would have been destroyed. Please sit down peacefully and stay in the thatched cottage tonight." After that, he got up and went inside. After a long time, he came out and said to Chen Gong, "I don't have good wine at home. How about I go to the West Village and buy a bottle for you?" After saying this, he hurriedly got on the donkey and left.
After sitting with the palace for a long time, Cao suddenly heard the sound of sharpening a knife behind the palace. Cao Cao said, "Lu Boshe is not a close relative of mine. He is here suspiciously and should be eavesdropped." After the two sneaked into the thatched cottage, they heard someone saying, "What if I tie him up and kill him?" Cao Cao said, "That's right! If you don't strike first, you will be captured." Then he and Gong drew their swords and went straight in. They killed everyone, regardless of gender, and killed eight people in a row. After searching the kitchen, he found a pig bound and about to be killed. Gong said: "Meng De was too careless and accidentally killed a good man!" He hurriedly left the village and mounted his horse. Less than two miles away, I saw Boshe with two bottles of wine hanging in front of his donkey's saddle. He was carrying fruits and vegetables. He called out, "Why are my nephew and the envoy leaving so easily?" Cao said, "Those who have been convicted do not dare to stay for a long time. "Bo She said, "I have already paid my family to kill a pig. My dear nephew, why do you want to stay here? Please turn around and ride." After walking a few steps, he suddenly drew his sword and came back, calling Boshe, "Who is here?" When Boshe looked back, Cao swung his sword and chopped Boshe under the donkey. Gong Da was shocked and said, "I just made a mistake. What should I do now?" Cao Cao said, "Bo She came home and saw many people killed. Are you willing to give up? If you lead the crowd to chase, you will be in trouble." Gong said. : "It is unjust to kill knowingly!" Cao Cao said: "I would rather teach me to betray the people of the world than teach the people of the world to betray me." Chen Gong was silent.
That night, a few miles away, I knocked on the door of the inn and stayed in the moonlight. After feeding the horse, Cao Cao went to bed first. Chen Gong thought: "I will say that Cao Cao is a good man and abandon his official position to follow him. It turns out that he is a wolf-hearted man! If he is left here today, he will be troubled in the future." He wanted to draw his sword to kill Cao Cao. It's exactly this: if you are a vicious person and you are not a good person, you will be a good person in the same way.
After all, what happened to Cao Cao’s life? Let’s listen to the explanation below.