Since ancient times, heroes have produced teenagers. When you were young, you had the gift of making the country rich, strong and safe. As the ancients said, Wolong and Feng Chu achieved world peace and security. Now, God bless my great China. In 5000, thunder rumbled in China, flying sand and stones, and the dance was charming. In the twilight, I saw an indomitable spirit and a golden god standing between heaven and earth. The hero holds two axes and his eyes are like electricity. I was taken in. It is a blessing to win this great hero, and it is also a blessing to the people. Why don't people cry with joy ... I admire the landlord like a raging river, the seas run dry and the rocks crumble, and the sky falls apart, and I won't change my original intention. Your noble sentiments are so touching. In such a materialistic money society, it is undoubtedly the greatest luck in my life to meet such a temperamental lover as you. Let me deeply feel the greatness of human nature.
Tall, powerful, handsome and charming, everyone loves flowers, and the car is planted on the great talent. He is well-bred, handsome and charming, just like Pan An. He is called a pear flower crushing Haitang, handsome and invincible, and fascinated thousands of girls. At that time, he abandoned Brigitte Lin and dumped Diana, and it was you who was called the love killer.