Hua Xin Zi Zi Yu is a native of Gaotang County, Pingyuan County. Hua Xin is a small official, and Tao, a native of the same county, is also very famous. He thinks that his foresight has surpassed that of Hua Xin. At that time, Wang Fen was discussing with the hero to abolish Emperor Han Ling. Wang Fen secretly invited Hua Xin to discuss with Tao Qiuhong. Tao wanted to attend, but Hua Xin stopped him and said, "Even Yi Yin and Huo Guang can hardly abolish the emperor. Wang Fen's rough temperament and lack of military strategy are bound to fail, and it will harm the clan. You must not attend! " Tao Qiuhong took Hua Xin's advice and didn't go. After Wang Fen really failed, Tao Qiuhong was persuaded by Hua Xin.
Cao Cao was in Guandu, and wrote that the emperor called Hua Xin. More than 1000 guests, friends and former colleagues came to bid him farewell and presented him with hundreds of gold. Huaxin didn't refuse anything he sent, but secretly marked the gift. On the day he left, he put them all out and said to the people who saw him off, "I didn't want to refuse your gifts, so I charged a lot of money." I thought that I would be guilty (the reason for being killed) for hiding jade when I traveled alone this time. I hope all my friends will think about it for me. "So everyone had to leave the original money and admire his noble morality.