1. What kind of person is Luo Lun in "History of Ming Dynasty·Biography of Luo Lun"
History of Ming Dynasty·Biography of Luo Lun
Note by Luo Lun, courtesy name Yi Zheng, a native of Yongfeng, Ji'an. His family was poor, a woodcutter and a herdsman, and he kept reciting books. For the sake of all living beings, who aspired to be sages and scholars, he said: "One cannot harm others by doing one's work, and one can harm one's own ears." Zhang Xuan, the magistrate, pitied his poverty and refused to accept the millet offered by Zhou. When his parents died and he passed Daxiang, he began to eat salt and cheese. In the second year of Chenghua, there were more than ten thousand words for the imperial examination. He directly denounced the evils of the times and became famous throughout the country. He was promoted to the first Jinshi and was awarded the title of Hanlin Compiler. After more than two months, Li Xian, a great scholar, went to the funeral and was ordered to return to the court. Lun Yixian was displeased and refused to listen. Naishangshu said: "I am claiming to be a virtuous minister, and when great things happen again, you must not be careless about the rules and regulations. In Lizi, my parents have been mourned and I have not called him for three years. May your majesty cut off your sacred heart and allow Xian to return home to serve the court and rule the world." The rules of a minister and the ethics of a group of ministers are due to the Ming Dynasty and the customs are thick."
He was relegated to the Fujian Municipal Shipping Department and promoted. The censor Chen Xuan rescued him but did not report it. Yang Lang, the imperial censor, appealed for help, but the emperor strongly condemned him. Wang Ao, the minister, used Wen Yanbo to save the Tang Dynasty and satirized Xian. Xian said: "Lugong was kind and resented the imperial court. I can't imitate him." When Lun Zhiquan, there was a minister who led all the students to follow him. In his spare time, he gathered people to recruit disciples and lectured on Jing Zhen Guan in the north of the county. At that time, Zhu Gongxian, the governor's envoy, asked Fu's Bai Yamen to be moved to Fu, and he was ordered to follow him. He mentioned that Luo Gonglun said: "The establishment of yamen has its own place, and there are also many relocations. The bureau is built in a remote and poor place, so it is not a suitable place to set up. It is not a good time to move to the old age." Then he went to bed. In the third year of Chenghua, he died virtuously. Next year, he was summoned to resume his post as a bachelor, Shang Luyan, and moved to Nanjing. After staying for two years, he returned home due to illness and never came back. Since Jinniu Mountain is inaccessible to people, he built a room and wrote books there, and there were many scholars from all over the world. He died in fourteen years and was forty-eight years old. At the beginning of Jiajing period, he was invited by Tang Long, the censor, to posthumously give Zuo Chunfang Yude and his posthumous title Wenyi. Scholars call him "Mr. Yifeng". In the eighth year of Jiajing reign, the imperial envoy Nie Bao, deputy envoy Guo Chiping, prefect Gu Kejiu, general magistrate Li Wen, and official Xu Zhen changed the site of Jingzhenguan to build Yifeng Academy to commemorate Luo Wenyi's public relations. . (Excerpt from "History of the Ming Dynasty? Luo Lun Biography", with deletions)
Note: Luo Lun, an acting scholar and champion of the Ming Dynasty, secluded himself in his hometown Jinniu Mountain in his later years to teach apprentices, and was the forerunner of the academy lectures in the Ming Dynasty. .
10. For the following sentence fragments with wavy lines in the text, which one is correct (3 points) ( )
A. Zai Li/Zi Those who have parents/I have not called him for three years after my death/May your majesty cut off my sacred heart/Xu Xian returns home to serve/The court regulates the world/The ministers follow the rules and the ministers follow human ethics/It is clear/The customs are thick
B. In the ceremony/The son has lost his parents/The king has not called his family for three years/May your majesty cut off his sacred heart/Xuxian returns home and takes the uniform/The court regulates the world/The ministers follow the rules and the ministers follow human ethics/You are clear/ The customs are so thick
C. In the ceremony/The son has lost his parents/The king has not called his family for three years/May your majesty renounce his holy heart/Xu Xian returns home and takes the uniform/The court rules the world/The rules of the ministers The ministers follow the example/Human ethics are clear/Customs are thick
D. In the ceremony/The son has parents/The emperor has been dead for three years and he has not called his family/May your majesty cut off his holy heart/Xuxian returns home to serve. / The imperial court regulates the world / the ministers follow the rules and the ministers follow / the human relations are clear / the customs are thick
Answer C
The analysis is based on etiquette. When a child has mourned his parents, the king He didn't call his door for three years. May your Majesty cut off his sacred ambition and allow Xian Xian to return home and serve. The imperial court regulates the world, the ministers follow the rules and regulations, the human relations are clear, and the customs are thick.
11. In the following explanations of the related content of the added words in the article, the incorrect one is (3 points) ( )
A. Living in the mourning of one’s parents refers to the ancients’ mourning of one’s parents. Or after the death of a direct elder such as a grandparent, the children shall observe mourning for three years according to the rites, and those who hold office must resign and observe the mourning.
B. Chenghua is the year name. Era names are the names used by ancient emperors to mark the year after they ascended the throne, such as the third year of Chenghua, the second year of Ju, the eighth year of Jiajing, etc.
C. Hanlin Editor is the position of editor established by the Hanlin Academy during the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty. Generally, after the imperial examination is announced, the position will be held by the top scholar in the scientific examination.
D. Posthumous title is a posthumous title. Posthumous titles are used to "reveal good and evil, and give admonitions." For an official to receive a posthumous title, it is often considered a great honor that will go down in history.
Answer B
Analysis "Ju Er Nian" is not the year name. 2. History of Ming Dynasty Tang Xianzu Biography Classical Chinese Translation
Tang Xianzu, courtesy name Ruoshi, was from Linchuan. Less good at literature, sometimes famous. Zhang Juzheng wanted his son to succeed, and famous people in Luohai wanted to promote him. After hearing the academic names of Xianzu and Shen Mao, I ordered all the disciples to extend their studies. Xianzu thanked Fu for leaving, and Maoxue then passed the exam together with his descendant Ju Zheng. Xianzu became a Jinshi in the eleventh year of Wanli. He was awarded the doctorate of Nanjing Taichang and moved to the head of the Ministry of Rites. In the eighteenth year, the emperor Yixingbian severely punished the officials for cheating and suspended his salary for one year. Xianzu said: "It is unworthy to speak of an official. Your majesty's authority and blessings have been stolen by his subordinates. Therefore, the negative attitude of an official is also a tacit move. The imperial censor Ding Jilu was first deceived in the examination room, and Shen Shixing He was impeached by Yang Wei. The imperial censor Wan Guoqin was very concerned about the encirclement and deception, and he was ridiculed by his colleague Xu Guoyuan for his relegation. I thought that he would be able to live up to his reputation in the future even if he was in power. However, he was already rich and powerful. He was ordered to deal with the poor government and he arrived in Hangzhou. He had a banquet in the West Lake and was recommended to the prison. The auxiliary minister reported his fate and promoted Hu Runing to attack Rao Shen. However, because of his personal arrogance, his Majesty blamed the official for bullying, and the auxiliary minister deceived him. It is a pity that my husband is not in charge now. It is a pity for your Majesty that the imperial court has cultivated good people with honor and salary, but now it is a pity that the rank and salary are popular. It is a pity that the ministers have no sense of integrity. It is a pity that the Constitution has been established for granting wealth and honor to others. In the first ten years of his reign, Zhang Juzheng was strong and lustful, and he used his private interests to arrogantly ruin it. It is a pity to behave softly and have many desires, and it is a shame to be a sage. Qi Li reprimanded Wenju and Runing, and warned his ministers to repent of their mistakes. "The emperor was angry and banished Xu Wen Dianshi. He moved to Suichang County for a while. In the twenty-sixth year, he made a plan to the capital and surrendered. There are also big plans for next year, and the master will discuss his removal.
Li Weizhen was the supervisor, but he couldn't fight hard and actually took the official position. He died at home twenty years ago. Xianzu was generous and good at Li Hualong, Li Sancai and Mei Guozhen. Later, they all show that there are buildings and erections, and the ancestors are poor and old. Sancai supervised Caohuai and sent a letter to welcome him, but he refused to go.
Xianzu Jianyan said that next year, Li Guan, a minister of Fujian Province, would enter the capital according to his instructions. He would commit ten crimes and invade Wang Xijue. It is said that Xi Jue dared to act recklessly, so he acted greedily and cruelly. Please reprimand him and thank the world. The emperor was angry and cut off his status. Just two months later, it’s time to go.
(You don’t need to translate the full text. Just list some unfamiliar words and look them up in an ancient Chinese dictionary. It’s basically not a big problem.)
For example: shaoshigen (zhǔ, The text is too long, so I crawled away silently. 3. History of the Ming Dynasty? The answer to the biography of Mr. Luo Hong
(Excerpt from "History of the Ming Dynasty·The First Biography of Luo Hong")
4. For the explanation of the dotted words in the following sentences, which one is incorrect? Xiang Shi (3 points)
A. His teacher was Li Zhong from the same city, and he passed on his learning: learning. B. Every guest is solemn. Su: solemn.
C. In the eighteenth year, Jian was a palace official. Jian: Selection. D. Lead friends to give. Zhen: means "relief", relief.
5. Which of the following explanations about the relevant content in the article is incorrect (3 points)
A. Wang Shouren was a famous thinker in the Ming Dynasty and was proficient in Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. , and was able to unite the army in battle. He was a rare all-powerful Confucian in Chinese history. Luo Hongxian's extensive research and careful research are the inheritance and learning of Wang Shouren's studies.
B. "Jinshi" refers to those who passed the imperial examination in the ancient Chinese imperial examination system. The imperial examinations in the Ming and Qing Dynasties were held at three levels. The palace examination was generally held every three years, which can be confirmed by the "one person every three years" in the article.
C. mourning is an act of filial piety in ancient Chinese culture. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, when an official’s parents died, the official had to suspend his duties and observe the system. The mourning period was generally three years. "Three years after entering the house" is the funeral ceremony.
D. There are many words in the article that express the promotion of officials, such as "confer" in "confer to the editor", "worship" in "call to worship Chunfang Zuo Zanshan", "except three" The words "except" in "person's name" indicate the conferment of official positions.
6. In the following summary and analysis of the relevant content of the original text, which one is incorrect (3 points)
A. Luo Hongxian has great ambitions. He admired Luo Lun's character when he was young, and later wanted to become Wang Shouren's teacher, but gave up because his father did not agree. He believed that passing the Jinshi examination was not worth showing off, and that Confucian scholars should have a greater career.
B. Luo Hong was the first to speak out and dare to remonstrate. The emperor often complained that he was ill and refused to go to court. Luo Hongxian, his advisor Tang Shunzhi, and school secretary Zhao Shichun still dared to go to court to ask the emperor to abdicate so that the prince could accept the congratulations of the ministers when the emperor was very taboo about the prince's coming to court.
C. Luo Hongxian is worried about the people. He paid close attention to the talents, officials, national economy, and people's conditions, discovered the shortcomings of land tax, and asked for a balanced solution to eliminate the long-standing shortcomings. When rogue bandits invaded Ji'an, he offered strategies to defend the land and made the thieves retreat.
D. Luo Hongxian is upright and indifferent. He refused to agree to the behavior of criminal rich people asking for money to avoid death; because the river rose and the house was destroyed, he resolutely refused Governor Masen's good intention to build a house for him.
7. Translate the underlined sentences in the text into modern Chinese. (10 points)
(1) Be open to fear and return to your interests easily. It was delayed because of the delay, and it was defeated in a few days. It was open to thank Xun. (5 points)
(2) Shun Zhi's mother-in-law wanted to pull him out. Yan Song was from the same hometown and planned a false edge to use it. (5 points)
Reference answers compiled by Yulu Education Network ()
4. B 5, D 6, B
7. (1) Wang Chang is afraid , came back and urged to change the memorial, but Luo Xun deliberately delayed the time. Liu Jin fell after a few days, and Wang Chang apologized to Luo Xun.
(Keywords: "Qu", "Chi", "Xie", 1 point each, 2 points for carelessness)
(2) Following the move, Yan Song wanted to lure him out of the mountain. Because of his fellow countrymen, I tried to use him as a talent to manage the border areas, but I tried my best to refuse.
(Keywords: 1 point each for "draw", "pretend" and "false", 2 points for carelessness) 4. Translation of the classical Chinese text "The Forty-Nine Biography of the History of the Ming Dynasty"
Chen Xuan, The courtesy name is Shixian, a native of Linhai. His father, Chen Yuantao, passed the Jinshi examination in the fifth year of Xuande. As a censor, when he went to Beijing to patrol Sichuan, he dismissed corrupt officials, rewarded honest people, and released more than 40 people on death row. In the last years of Zhengtong, the army conquered Deng Maoqi, went to appease the local people, and released more than a thousand families who were falsely accused of being thieves. The commander-in-chief Jiang Gui asked for bribes from his subordinates. The commander-in-chief Fan Xiong was unable to manage the army due to illness, so they all impeached them and removed them from their official positions. He participated in politics on the right side of Guangdong and was the political envoy on the right side of Fujian. Guangdong was just after Huang Xiaoyang's rebellion, and the bandits had just been quelled in Fujian. Wherever Yuan Tao went, he paid attention to comfort and education, and won the hearts of the people.
Chen Xuan has been upright and honest since he was a child, seldom talks or laughs, and sets his standards by following the example of sages and sages. Tianshun won the first place in the four-year general examination and became a Jinshi. He was appointed as the censor, patrolled Jiangxi, and dismissed all the greedy and cruel officials. At that time, people said: "There was Han Yong before him, and Chen Xuan behind him." The bandits from Guangdong fled to Ganzhou. He reported to Ganzhou and sent soldiers to quell them without waiting for anything in return.
After Xianzong ascended the throne, he impeached Shangshu Ma Ang, minister Wu Fu, Honglu Qing Qi Zhengjiu, Xiu Zhuo Luo Lun, bachelor Ni Qian, and Qian Pu. Although his opinions were not fully adopted, people were in awe of his style for a while. Later, he went to Nanji to supervise schools. Crown ceremonies, wedding ceremonies, sacrificial ceremonies, and shooting ceremonies were issued in the school palace to allow students to study on time. Create "Elementary School Annotations" to teach students. When touring the area under his jurisdiction, he often stayed in the school palace and visited the wings on both sides at night to inspect the students' reading performance. (He) abolished the bad habit of hiding his name in the examination paper and said: "If you don't have confidence in yourself, how can you win the trust of others?"
In the sixth year of Chenghua, he was promoted to deputy envoy to Henan. Soon he was appointed as the admiral of academic administration, and he still established the teachings as he did in Nanji. When Wang Zhi went on a tour, all the officials below the imperial censor paid homage to him, but Chen Xuan only bowed to him. Wang Zhi asked: "What kind of official are you?" Chen Xuan replied: "Deputy Envoy of Tixue." Wang Zhi asked: "Is he older than the Censor of the Capital?" Chen Xuan said: "How can Tixue be compared with the Censor of the Capital? "I'm just a teacher and don't dare to humiliate myself." Chen Xuan's words were serious, and the students gathered outside the official office. Wang Zhi was impressed by Chen's righteousness and sent him out with good words.
Soon, he was promoted to inspector. He tried and released hundreds of people with minor crimes, many of them were convicted of serious crimes, and the prisons were empty. He advocates simplicity in politics, but has no tolerance for corrupt officials. However, for those who accept bribes of more than 100 gold, he will only be fined six or seven rings. Someone asked him, and he said: "A traitor cherishes his money but also his life. If all the bribes he receives are used to bribe important people, the law will be obstructed." He served successively as the left and right chief envoy of Guangdong. When there was a flood in Zhaoqing, they distributed food to help the people without waiting for anything in return.
In the twenty-first year, the imperial edict reduced or exempted the contributions from various places, and Wei Juan, the official of the municipal government, petitioned to use an average of 60 people from each household to buy local specialties. Chen Xuan took the imperial edict and argued hard, but the emperor ordered him to give him half, and the Wei family members resented Chen Xuan. Ma Linma, a native of Ban, lied that he was an envoy from Sumen and wanted to pay tribute to the capital and do business in private. Wei Juan liked his generous bribe and was about to approve him, but Chen Xuan immediately expelled him. The Samarkand envoy paid tribute to lions from Gansu and was returning by sea via Guangdong. He said he was going to Manlaga to do business while returning. Chen Xuan Shangshu said that he could not agree to him, for fear that he would be laughed at by foreigners, thus despising China. The emperor accepted his advice, but Wei Juan hated Chen Xuan even more.
Previously, Gao Yao, the magistrate of Panyu, confiscated the huge amount of money that Wei Juan had transferred to Waifan. Chen Xuan issued an official document to commend him and reported it to the court. At this point, Wei Juan falsely accused Chen Xuan and Gao Yao of colluding in corruption. The imperial edict dispatched Li Xing, a member of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, and Xu Tongai, the censor of the patrol, to interrogate the matter. One of the officials deposed by Chen Xuan was named Zhang. Wei Juan thought that he must be resentful of Chen Xuan and led him to frame Chen Xuan. Zhang resolutely refused to obey. He captured Zhang and tortured him, but he would never let go. Li Xing and Xu Tongai were afraid of Wei Juan, and finally convicted Chen Xuan according to Wei Juan's instructions, and were conscripted to the capital together with Gao Yao. Tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians were wailing and blocking the way to keep them in. The envoys cleared the way and were able to come out. When he arrived in Nanchang, Chen Xuan became ill. Li Xing prevented him from giving him medicine, and Chen Xuan eventually died. He is fifty-eight years old. 5. Original text and translation of "History of Ming Dynasty·Biography of Liu Xizuo"
Translation Liu Xizuo, courtesy name Zhongji, was born in Wujin, Changzhou Prefecture.
His father, Liu Chunren, once served as an official in Quanzhou. Xizuo passed the provincial examination in the fourth year of Tianqi (1624).
During the Chongzhen period, he was the magistrate of Xingning County. His political performance was judged to be the best, so he was awarded the post of censor.
In the winter of the fifteenth year of Chongzhen (1642), he patrolled Hunan. Li Zicheng captured the counties of Jingzhou and Xiangyang, while Zhang Xianzhong captured Qizhou and Huangzhou and prepared to cross the river.
Xizuo estimated that Zhang Xianzhong would arrive in Yuezhou in February of the next year, and ordered the generals to defend the riverside separately, and contacted Pianyuan and Yunyang Fu for support. At that time, the rebel army Ma Shouying occupied Lizhou and wanted to advance into Changde. The local peasant army Gan Mingyang and others assisted him.
Xi Zuo rushed to Changde to kill Ming Yang and returned to Changsha in May. Wuchang and Yuezhou fell one after another. Xizuo urgently ordered the general Yin Xianmin and the deputy general He Yide to lead an army of ten thousand people to guard the Luotang River to seize the key points.
However, the governor Wang Jukui withdrew to guard Changsha, and the rebel army marched southward. Jukui led his defeated generals Kong Quanbin, Huang Chaoxuan, Zhang Xianbi and others to retreat to Xiangtan, leaving Changsha unable to defend.
At this time, King Hui and King Ji, who were taking refuge in Changsha, planned to escape, and Xizuo sent him to Hengzhou. Hengzhou was the fiefdom of King Gui. Jukui's army also arrived here and burned and plundered it. King Gui, King Ji, and King Hui all took refuge in boats.
Xi Zuo rode alone to Yongzhou to arrange defense. Soon, Jukui retreated to Qiyang and Hengzhou fell.
When the people of Yongzhou heard that Jukui was coming, they fled one after another, and Yongzhou became an empty city. When the three kings of Gui, Ji and Hui arrived in Yongzhou, Jukui came immediately. The next day, Kong Quanbin and others also arrived in Yongzhou and robbed the gold and silver from the treasury.
Xizuo sent troops to escort the three kings of Gui, Ji, and Hui to Guangxi, and then returned to Yongzhou to refuse to defend. The rebel army hunted down Xizuo, and Xianzhong ordered Xizuo to kneel down in the Gui Palace, but Xizuo refused.
He also sent the surrendered general Yin Xianmin to persuade him, but Xizuo still refused to give in and was killed. The imperial court heard about it and gave it to the young minister of Taichang Temple with the posthumous title of Zhongyi.
Original text Liu Xizuo, courtesy name Zhongji, was born in Wujin, Changzhou Prefecture. His father, Liu Chunren, once served as an official in Quanzhou.
Xi Zuo passed the provincial examination in the fourth year of Tianqi (1624). During the Chongzhen period, he was the magistrate of Xingning County.
His political performance was judged to be the best, so he was awarded the post of censor.
In the winter of the fifteenth year of Chongzhen (1642), he patrolled Hunan.
Li Zicheng captured the counties of Jingzhou and Xiangyang, while Zhang Xianzhong captured Qizhou and Huangzhou and prepared to cross the river. Xizuo estimated that Zhang Xianzhong would arrive in Yuezhou in February of the next year, and ordered the generals to defend the riverside separately, and contacted Pianyuan and Yunyang Fu for support.
At that time, the rebel army Ma Shouying occupied Lizhou and wanted to advance into Changde. The local peasant army Gan Mingyang and others assisted him. Xi Zuo rushed to Changde to kill Ming Yang and returned to Changsha in May.
Wuchang and Yuezhou fell one after another. Xizuo urgently ordered the general Yin Xianmin and the deputy general He Yide to lead an army of ten thousand people to guard the Luotang River and choke off the key points. However, the governor Wang Jukui withdrew to guard Changsha, and the rebel army marched southward.
Jukui led the defeated generals Kong Quanbin, Huang Chaoxuan, Zhang Xianbi and others to retreat to Xiangtan, and Changsha could not be defended. At this time, King Hui and King Ji, who were taking refuge in Changsha, planned to escape, and Xizuo sent him to Hengzhou.
The army of Jukui also arrived at the fiefdom of King Gui in Hengzhou and burned and plundered it. King Gui, King Ji, and King Hui all took refuge in boats. Xi Zuo rode alone to Yongzhou to arrange defense.
Soon after, Jukui retreated to Qiyang and Hengzhou fell. When the people of Yongzhou heard that Jukui was coming, they fled one after another, and Yongzhou became an empty city.
The three kings of Gui, Ji and Hui arrived in Yongzhou, and Jukui arrived immediately. The next day, Kong Quanbin and others also arrived in Yongzhou and robbed the gold and silver from the treasury. Xizuo sent troops to escort the three kings of Gui, Ji, and Hui to Guangxi, and then returned to Yongzhou to resist.
The rebel army hunted down Xizuo, and Xianzhong ordered Xizuo to kneel down in the Gui Palace, but Xizuo refused to kneel down. They also sent the surrendered general Yin Xianmin to persuade him, but Xizuo still refused to give in and was killed.
The imperial court heard about it and gave it to the young minister of Taichang Temple with the posthumous title of Zhongyi. 6. Ancient text "History of the Ming Dynasty: Biography No. 153"
History of the Ming Dynasty: Biography No. 153 In March of the 17th year of Chongzhen, the outlaw Li Zicheng invaded the capital.
On the 19th, Emperor Zhuang Lie died in Sheji. Among the civil servants who died in the country, Fan Jingwen, a scholar of Dongge University, came down, and there were only one person in twenty.
King Fu established Nanjing and gave him a posthumous title. In the ninth year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Shizuzhang expressed his loyalty to the previous generations, and the directors were Fan Jingwen, Ni Yuanlu, Li Banghua, Wang Jiayan, Meng Zhaoxiang, Zi Zhangming, Shi Bangyao, Ling Yiqu, Wu Linzheng, Zhou Fengxiang, Ma Shiqi, Liu Lishun, Wang Wei, Wu Ganlai, Twenty people including Wang Zhang, Chen Liangmo, Shen Jiayun, Xu Zhi, Cheng De and Jin Xuan were named.
He was ordered to be given 70 acres of land, a temple to be built as a memorial, and a beautiful posthumous title given to him. Fan Jingwen, courtesy name Mengzhang, was born in Wuqiao.
My father Yongnian was the prefect of Nanning. Jing Wen was young and had knowledge of weapons. He became a Jinshi in the 41st year of Wanli and was awarded the official title of Dongchang.
If you rely on your reputation and integrity to encourage yourself, Baoju will not dare to compete with others. He was very hungry when he was old, so he tried his best to rescue him, and the whole county relied on him.
Use the governance to a high level, promote the officials to be the chief officers, select officials and foreign ministers, and select officials in the department. During the Taichang period, a group of sages came forward, and Jing Wen had more power, so he left to beg for leave.
In February of the fifth year of Tianqi's reign, Wei Zhongxian and Wei Guangwei were selected as doctors, both from the same country as Jing and Wen. Taste said: "The talents of heaven and earth should be cherished by heaven and earth.
The famous utensils of the imperial court should be guarded by the imperial court. The world's right and wrong should be judged by the world for all generations."
A famous quote from time to time. It's not even a month since I saw things, so I thank you for your illness.
In the early days of Chongzhen, he was recommended as Taichang Shaoqing. In July of the second year, he was promoted to the censor of Youqiandu and patrolled Henan.
Under martial law in the capital, he led eight thousand people in his department to serve the king, and all paid themselves. When they arrived at Zhuozhou, reinforcements from all directions were plundering, but the Henan army had nothing to do.
Moved to the capital, and then moved to Changping, so that there is no fear from far and near. In March next year, the Ministry of War was promoted to add Zuo Shilang to train troops in Tongzhou.
When Tongzhen was first established, all the soldiers were recruited, the scenery, literature and theory were well-organized, and the army was specialized. I would like to ask someone to implement a whipping method. The corvee will be returned to the official position, and the people will help with the expenses. The supply will be purchased at a flat price, and no official price will be established.
Emperor Ling Yongzhu is an example. After two years of residence, he resigned from office because of his father's death.
In the winter of the seventh year, he became the censor of Youdu in Nanjing. Not long after, he became Minister of the Ministry of War and Counselor of Machinery Affairs.
Troops were repeatedly sent to garrison Chihe and Pukou, to aid Luzhou, and to strangle Chuyang. There were police officers who frequently sent out troops, showing restraint and shrewdness.
I tried to criticize Qian Chun, the Minister of Household Affairs in Nanjing, over military food, and sat down to take charge of matters.
Already, the success of the suppression campaign has been described, and the old rank has been restored. In the winter of the eleventh year, martial law was imposed in the capital and troops were sent to the defense.
Yang Sichang seized the favor to assist the government, the court officials strived to be relegated as many as possible, and Jing Wen advocated the combination of words in the same column to discuss salvation. If the emperor is displeased and cross-examines the leader's plans, he will incriminate himself and pretend that everyone agrees with him.
The emperor became angry and reduced his status to the people. In the autumn of the 15th year, he was summoned to the Ministry of Punishments by recommendation, but before he was appointed, he was transferred to the Ministry of Works.
When they entered the room, the emperor greeted Lao and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time. What a shame!" Jing Wen thanked him. In February of the 17th year, he was ordered to join the aircraft maintenance department as his official and Dongge University Bachelor.
Not long after, Li Zicheng defeated the Xuanfu, and the war was on the capital. Anyone who invites Emperor Nanxing is ordered to gather in the pavilion for discussion.
Jing Wen said: "It's just to consolidate people's hearts and stand firm to wait for help. I don't know anything else." When the capital fell, he approached the palace gate, and the palace people said: "Come out."
As we approach the court room again, the thieves have blocked the way. The follower asked Yi Fu to return to his residence. Jing Wen asked, "Have you come home safely?" He left a note on the temple grass beside the road, and wrote in a big book: "As a minister, I cannot kill the thief and avenge his shame. I will die with lingering regrets."
Then he went to the Yanxiang Hall to pay homage to Cique's tomb, and then went to the ancient well next to the Shuangta Temple to die. When Jing Wen died, he still called Emperor Nan Xingye.
As a gift to the Taifu, he was given the posthumous title Wenzhen. This dynasty granted him the posthumous title Wenzhong.
Ni Yuanlu, whose courtesy name is Yuru, was born in Shangyu. Father Dong has known the four prefectures of Fuzhou, Huai'an, Jingzhou and Qiongzhou, and he has the title of official.
In the second year of Tianqi, Yuan Lu became a Jinshi, changed to a commoner, and was awarded the title of editor. He was entrusted with the title of Defu and returned home after illness.
Return to court and appear in the Jiangxi Provincial Examination. When Ji returned to his throne, Emperor Zhuang Lie was executed, and Wei Zhongxian was already executed.
Yang Weiyuan, who was on the verge of death, went so far as to slander Donglin, Cui, and Wei. Yuan Lu could not be defeated. On the first month of the first year of Chongzhen, he wrote: "I have read the memorial and found that those who attack Cui and Wei will be called *** together with Donglin."
If you call Donglin your hometown, who will be named Cui or Wei? Cui and Wei are both powerful, how can those who attack loyal and virtuous people and show off their talents also be powerful? Donglin is one of the most talented people in the world, but he may set up a banner of excellence. If he is too strict and his opinions are too deep, it can be said that he is not a middle-class person, but he must be crazy and stubborn. Moreover, when discussing in the world, one would rather make a pretense than lose one's name; a scholar should act in his own way and would rather be exaggerated than to forget his integrity.
Thinking that the pretense of exaggeration is a major fault, the villains openly betray Lian Yu's name and break up Lian Yu. If you continue to praise your virtues, you will surely be encouraged to move forward; if you continue to build temples, you will surely chant songs.
But people are still generous and say: "There is nothing you can do, it has to happen." If you have such a feeling of having no choice but to do it, what will you fail to accomplish! It is a mistake for the debater to criticize this generation with a loyal heart, but only hold on to the extreme opinions and harshly criticize my disciples.
After today’s prison, only soup and fire remain, and Ming Lun has been repeatedly offered to him for his discretion. However, the person involved still uses Taoism to seal the territory and holds it as an ironclad case. Shouldn’t he be careful to prevent his revenge? Ran Chen thought it was too much. Those who used Donglin to win favor with Cui and Wei in recent years have been defeated by themselves. How can they expect Donglin to take revenge? If we can attack Cui and Wei without joining them, they are already Qiao Yue. How can Bai Donglinwu retaliate? The minister also read the imperial edict, which said: "Han Xu is loyal and loyal, and I know it."
Recently, I heard the opinions of the court officials, which are very similar and different, which can be very strange. The career of Prime Minister Xu was glorious and great, but he did not comment on it. When the red pill was discussed, the whole country was in a state of uproar.
My husband and his grandson act with caution, as a gentleman, and do not attach themselves to others, let alone others! But now that the push is too late, and Dian Zhuo is added, it is just a matter of imitating Xiong Tingbi with his vote. Tingbi must be killed, but there is nothing to say if he does not do it. The border is in trouble, and there are many disciples who want to kill Tingbi alone. Is it fair to say that? This is why the pavilion pen is also written.
However, after all, Tingbi died not from the border but from the situation, not from the law officials but from treachery. It cannot be said that later generations can kill Tingbi, but Xudu cannot kill him. Another example is the poet Wen Zhen Meng Zhengxue Jingu, who has the quality of an ancient minister. He was an official in March, Changyan was convicted, and people regarded him as Luo Lun and Shu Fen.
Now that the edict has been issued again, there are endless absurd stories. The word "Jiangwumen" cannot be mentioned again? Use more rules to cover it up? The academy and the temple are competing for victory and defeat. If the temple is destroyed, shouldn’t the academy be repaired? At that time, those who were in charge of the country knew that the loyal and virtuous people had left behind the party, and they were alienated from the party, so they should not be held responsible for the memorial. So Wei Yuan returned to refute Yuan Lu.
Yuan Lu Zaishu said: The minister before Shu was originally Wei Yuanfa. His Majesty's decree stated: "Separating the sects is no longer a matter of governance," he said, "turn differences into unity," and "the world is for the common good." However, Weiyuan advocated the doctrines of Sun Dang, Zhao Dang, Xiong Dang, and Zou Dang.
Your Majesty is willing to do everything in the corner, but the Weiyuan is not yet melted; Your Majesty is willing to stretch out all the righteousness, but the Weiyuan refuses to be stretched. Weiyuan's strange ministers called him Donglin, because Donglin tried to promote Li Sancai and protect Xiong Tingbi.
I know that Donglin is powerful in attacking Wei Zhong. 7. Original text and translation of "History of Ming Dynasty·Biography of Liu Xizuo"
Liu Xizuo, courtesy name Zhongji, was born in Wujin, Changzhou Prefecture. His father, Liu Chunren, once served as an official in Quanzhou. Xizuo passed the provincial examination in the fourth year of Tianqi (1624). During the Chongzhen period, he was the magistrate of Xingning County. His political performance was judged to be the best, so he was awarded the post of censor.
In the winter of the fifteenth year of Chongzhen (1642), he patrolled Hunan. Li Zicheng captured the counties of Jingzhou and Xiangyang, while Zhang Xianzhong captured Qizhou and Huangzhou and prepared to cross the river. Xizuo estimated that Zhang Xianzhong would arrive in Yuezhou in February of the next year, and ordered the generals to defend the riverside separately, and contacted Pianyuan and Yunyang Fu for support. At that time, the rebel army Ma Shouying occupied Lizhou and wanted to advance into Changde. The local peasant army Gan Mingyang and others assisted him. Xi Zuo rushed to Changde to kill Ming Yang and returned to Changsha in May.
Wuchang and Yuezhou fell one after another. Xizuo urgently ordered the general Yin Xianmin and the deputy general He Yide to lead an army of ten thousand people to guard the Luotang River and choke off the key points. However, the governor Wang Jukui withdrew to guard Changsha, and the rebel army marched southward. Jukui led his defeated generals Kong Quanbin, Huang Chaoxuan, Zhang Xianbi and others to retreat to Xiangtan, leaving Changsha unable to defend. At this time, King Hui and King Ji, who were taking refuge in Changsha, planned to escape, and Xizuo sent him to Hengzhou. Hengzhou was the fiefdom of King Gui. Jukui's army also arrived here and burned and plundered it. King Gui, King Ji, and King Hui all took refuge in boats. Xi Zuo rode alone to Yongzhou to arrange defense. Soon, Jukui retreated to Qiyang and Hengzhou fell. When the people of Yongzhou heard that Jukui was coming, they fled one after another, and Yongzhou became an empty city. When the three kings of Gui, Ji and Hui arrived in Yongzhou, Jukui came immediately. The next day, Kong Quanbin and others also arrived in Yongzhou and robbed the gold and silver from the treasury. Xizuo sent troops to escort the three kings of Gui, Ji, and Hui to Guangxi, and then returned to Yongzhou to resist. The rebel army hunted down Xizuo, and Xianzhong ordered Xizuo to kneel down in the Gui Palace, but Xizuo refused. They also sent the surrendered general Yin Xianmin to persuade him, but Xizuo still refused to give in and was killed. The imperial court heard about it and gave it to the young minister of Taichang Temple with the posthumous title of Zhongyi.
Original text
Liu Xizuo, courtesy name Zhongji, was born in Wujin, Changzhou Prefecture. His father, Liu Chunren, once served as an official in Quanzhou. Xizuo passed the provincial examination in the fourth year of Tianqi (1624). During the Chongzhen period, he was the magistrate of Xingning County. His political performance was judged to be the best, so he was awarded the post of censor.
In the winter of the fifteenth year of Chongzhen (1642), he patrolled Hunan. Li Zicheng captured the counties of Jingzhou and Xiangyang, while Zhang Xianzhong captured Qizhou and Huangzhou and prepared to cross the river. Xizuo estimated that Zhang Xianzhong would arrive in Yuezhou in February of the next year, and ordered the generals to defend the riverside separately, and contacted Pianyuan and Yunyang Fu for support. At that time, the rebel army Ma Shouying occupied Lizhou and wanted to advance into Changde. The local peasant army Gan Mingyang and others assisted him. Xi Zuo rushed to Changde to kill Ming Yang and returned to Changsha in May.
Wuchang and Yuezhou fell one after another. Xi Zuo urgently ordered the general Yin Xianmin and the deputy general He Yide to lead an army of ten thousand people to guard the Luotang River and choke off the key points. However, the governor Wang Jukui withdrew to guard Changsha, and the rebel army marched southward. Jukui led his defeated generals Kong Quanbin, Huang Chaoxuan, Zhang Xianbi and others to retreat to Xiangtan, leaving Changsha unable to defend. At this time, King Hui and King Ji, who were taking refuge in Changsha, planned to escape, and Xizuo sent him to Hengzhou. Hengzhou was the fiefdom of King Gui. Jukui's army also arrived here and burned and plundered it. King Gui, King Ji, and King Hui all took refuge in boats. Xi Zuo rode alone to Yongzhou to arrange defense. Soon, Jukui retreated to Qiyang and Hengzhou fell. When the people of Yongzhou heard that Jukui was coming, they fled one after another, and Yongzhou became an empty city. When the three kings of Gui, Ji and Hui arrived in Yongzhou, Jukui came immediately. The next day, Kong Quanbin and others also arrived in Yongzhou and robbed the gold and silver from the treasury. Xizuo sent troops to escort the three kings of Gui, Ji, and Hui to Guangxi, and then returned to Yongzhou to resist. The rebel army hunted down Xizuo, and Xianzhong ordered Xizuo to kneel down in the Gui Palace, but Xizuo refused. They also sent the surrendered general Yin Xianmin to persuade him, but Xizuo still refused to give in and was killed. The imperial court heard about it and gave it to the young minister of Taichang Temple with the posthumous title of Zhongyi. 8. "History of the Ming Dynasty" Biography Twenty-Five About Luo Furen Classical Chinese (Translation) Urgent
Luo Furen was a native of Jishui, Jiangxi.
I was a study fanatic when I was young, and (later) I was recruited by Chen Youliang. After some time, Luo Furen realized that Chen Youliang was a parallel importer, and quietly left Chen Youliang.
Luo Furen found Taizu (Zhu Chongba) in Jiujiang. Taizu kept him and arranged him by his side. Luo Furen followed Taizu to fight in Poyang, and (had been ordered) to carry the wax book to the counties in Jiangxi that had not yet been conquered by (Taizu), instructing these counties to surrender.
Luo Furen followed Taizu to attack Wuchang. Taizu wanted to recruit (Wuchang defender) Chen Li to surrender. Because Luo Furen knew about Chen Youliang's situation, (Taizu) sent Luo Furen into the city to inform Chen Li, hoping that Chen Li would surrender. He himself, and said to Luo Furen: "If Chen Li can surrender, (I guarantee that he) will not lose his wealth." Luo Furen knelt down and kowtowed and said: "If (Chen Li surrenders) you can protect his family from death, others say that I, Xiao Luo Keep your word, I have no regrets even if I surrender."
Taizu replied: "Go with confidence, I will not make you a renegade." Luo Furen came to Wuchang. At the foot of the city, I cried bitterly all day long (because I was refused entry).
Chen Li (finally) hoisted him up with a rope into the city. Luo Furen cried again when he saw Chen Li, and (then) stated Taizu's wish for Chen Li to surrender, and said: "Wherever the powerful Ming army goes, Buddha will block and kill Buddha. If you don't surrender, when the city is destroyed, Ming will be killed." The army is about to massacre the city, what crime do the people in the city have?" Chen Li followed Luo Furen's advice and led his officials out of the city to surrender.
Some time later, Luo Fulen was ordered to envoy the envoy. (Taizu) In the past, the envoys sent to Kuokuo were often detained by Kuakuo. Furen (the envoy to Kuokuo) spoke generously, and only he (of the envoys sent to Kuokuo before and after) was able to return (safely).
In the first year of Hongwu, Luo Furen was promoted to the position of editor. He went to Annan with Zhang Fu and told Annan to return the land he had occupied in the Champa Kingdom. Annan complied with the imperial court's order (returning the land he had occupied in the Cacheng Kingdom), and (in addition) Annan presented generous gold, shellfish, local products, etc. to Luo Furen, but Luo Furen refused all of them (silly!).
After Taizu heard about it, he thought he was a good man and respected him very much. In the third year of Hongwu's reign, the Hongwen Hall was established and Luo Furen was appointed as a bachelor, occupying the same position as Liu Ji.
Luo Furen (often) frankly stated his views on the gains and losses of the government in front of the emperor, and sometimes (when he was anxious) he would bring out the spoken language of his southern hometown. Taizu appreciated Luo Furen's upright nature and called him "Lao Shiluo" instead of calling him by his first name.
(Once) Taizu quietly went to Luo Furen’s residence, which was backed by the outer city wall and deep in an alley. (When Taizu arrived) Luo Furen was painting the wall with white ash. (He saw Luo Furen Taizu,) He hurriedly asked his wife to bring out a small maza for the emperor to sit on. The emperor said: "Then how can a good person live in this place where birds don't poop?" So he gave Luo Fulen a small high-rise building.
During the Tianshou Festival, Luo Furen composed a piece of "Water Dragon Song" dedicated to the emperor. The emperor was very happy and rewarded Luo Furen heavily.
Soon after, Luo Furen requested to resign and retire (which was granted). When he formally paid his respects to the emperor at the court, the emperor gave him a large cloth coat with poems praising him on the lapel.
Some time later, the emperor summoned Luo Furen to the capital again, and Luo Furen petitioned to reduce taxes for Jiangxi farmers. The emperor replied No problem.
The emperor kept Luo Furen in the capital for three months, rewarded him with Italian belts, iPhones, sofas, Buick cars, rice cookers, etc., and arranged for him to return home. (Luo Furen) finally died at a high age.