Natural landscape is the general name of natural landscape and artificial landscape. The natural landscape is only indirectly, slightly or occasionally influenced by human beings, but the original natural features have not changed significantly, such as polar regions, mountains, deserts, swamps, tropical rainforests and some nature reserves. Man-made landscape refers to the landscape that has been directly influenced and influenced by human beings for a long time, such as rural areas, industrial and mining areas, towns and other areas. Artificial landscape, also known as cultural landscape, is the product of human action and influence, but its development law is subject to natural laws, and it must be built and managed according to natural laws in order to achieve the expected purpose. Artificial landscape in the sense of natural landscape does not include its economic and social characteristics.
Humanistic landscape, also known as cultural landscape, is a landscape formed by superimposing cultural characteristics on natural landscape in order to meet some material and spiritual needs in people's daily life. The most important embodiment of human landscape is settlement, including clothing, architecture, music and so on. Architectural features are reflected in castles, palaces and various religious architectural landscapes, which are of historical significance.