The original text of "The Friendship of Guan Bao":
Guan Zhong Yiwu is also a native of Yingshang. When I was young, I often traveled with Uncle Bao, and Uncle Bao knew him as a wise man. Guan Zhong was poor and often bullied Uncle Bao. Uncle Bao eventually met him and ignored him. Now Uncle Bao is in charge of Qi Gongzi Xiaobai, and Guan Zhong is in charge of Gongzi Jiu. When Xiaobai was appointed as Duke Huan, the young master was killed and Guan Zhong was imprisoned. Uncle Bao then entered Guan Zhong. After Guan Zhong was appointed, he took charge of Qi. Duke Huan of Qi used hegemony to unite the nine princes and bring order to the world, which was Guan Zhong's plan.
Guan Zhong said: "When I was first in poverty, I tried to share the wealth with Uncle Bao and make a lot of profit. Uncle Bao didn't think I was greedy and knew that I was poor. I tried to work for Uncle Bao and became even poorer. , Uncle Bao does not think that I am a fool, knowing that the times are favorable and disadvantageous. He thinks that I am cowardly, knowing that I have an old mother.
The young master is defeated and summoned to death. I am a prisoner and humiliated. Uncle Bao does not think that I am shameless. In the world, the parents who gave birth to me know me. "Uncle Bao entered Guan Zhong and gave birth to him. His descendants were well-off in Qi, and they were granted fiefdoms for more than ten generations, often becoming famous officials. There are not many virtuous people like Guan Zhong in the world, but there are many like Uncle Bao who knows people well.
After Guan Zhong took office, he was in the same position as the government, and he was on the seashore with only the same status. He accumulated wealth with currency, enriched the country and strengthened the army, and had the same likes and dislikes as the common people. Therefore, it is said: "If the warehouse is solid, you will know the etiquette; if you have enough food and clothing, you will know the honor and disgrace; if you are obedient, the six relatives will be solid. If the four dimensions are not open, the country will perish. Orders are like the source of flowing water, and orders will obey the hearts of the people." Therefore, it is said that it is humble but easy to do. . If the common people want it, go with it; if the common people don't want it, go with it.
In politics, good can turn misfortunes into blessings, and turn failures into merits. Weigh the importance carefully. Duke Huan was really angry with Shaoji and attacked Cai in the south. Guan Zhong therefore attacked Chu and blamed Baomao for not paying tribute to the Zhou Dynasty. Duke Huan actually marched north to conquer Shan Rong, and Guan Zhong therefore ordered Yan to repair the government of Duke Zhao. At the meeting at Ke, Duke Huan wanted to break Cao Mo's promise, but Guan Zhong believed in it, and all the princes returned to the throne. Therefore, it is said: "Knowing how to take it is the treasure of government."
Guan Zhongfu planned to live in the public office, and had three returns and rebellions, which the people of Qi did not think was extravagant. After Guan Zhong died, Qi State followed his administration and was always stronger than the princes. More than a hundred years later, there was Yan Ziyan.
Guan Zhong, also known as Yiwu, was a native of Yingshang. When he was young, he often dated Bao Shuya, and Bao Shuya knew that he had talents. Guan Zhong's family was poor and he often occupied part of Uncle Bao's property. However, Uncle Bao always treated him very well and did not complain about it. Later, Uncle Bao served the young master Xiaobai of Qi State, and Guan Zhong served the young master Jiu. When Xiao Bai became Duke Huan, Prince Jiu was killed and Guan Zhong was imprisoned.
Uncle Bao recommended Guan Zhong to Duke Huan. After Guan Zhong was appointed, he took charge of political affairs in the state of Qi. As a result, Duke Huan of Qi became hegemonic. He summoned the princes to make alliances many times to rectify the world. It was Guan Zhong's strategy.
Guan Zhong said: "When I was poor, I used to do business with Uncle Bao, and I often got more profit from sharing the money. But Uncle Bao did not regard me as a greedy person. He knew that I was poor. I once acted for Uncle Bao, but the situation became even worse. But Uncle Bao didn't think I was stupid. He knew when the timing was good and bad. I had been an official many times and was dismissed by the king many times. Uncle Bao does not treat me as an incompetent person, he knows that I have not had good luck.
I have fought and retreated many times. Uncle Bao does not think that I am a coward. He knows that I still have an old mother at home. After the young master failed to fight for the throne, my colleague Zhao Hu committed suicide, and I was imprisoned in a deep prison and endured humiliation. Uncle Bao did not think that I was shameless. He knew that I would not be ashamed of a small incident, but I would not be ashamed of fame. It's shameful to be famous in the world. It's my parents who gave birth to me, and it's Uncle Bao who understands me!" After Uncle Bao recommended Guan Zhong, he was willing to be under Guan Zhong.
His descendants have enjoyed salaries in Qi for generations, and more than a dozen generations have received fiefs, most of whom are famous officials. Therefore, people in the world did not praise Guan Zhong's talents, but praised Uncle Bao for his ability to recognize talents.
After Guan Zhong came to power in the Qi State and became prime minister, he relied on the geographical conditions of the small Qi State to be close to the sea, circulate goods, accumulate wealth, enrich the country and strengthen the army, and share the same likes and dislikes with ordinary people. Therefore, he said in his work: "If the granary is full, you will know etiquette; if you are well-fed and clothed, you will know honor and disgrace; if the king has a certain system for enjoying it, the relatives will be closely attached to it; if the ethics of etiquette, righteousness, integrity, and shame are not widely promoted, the country will not will perish.
The promulgation of political decrees is like the source of flowing water, which must be in line with the people's wishes. "So his decrees are simple and easy to implement. What the general public desires is given according to the situation; what the general public disapproves of is given." , just adapt and get rid of it.
Guan Zhong was in charge of political affairs and was good at turning misfortune into blessing and failure into success.
Pay great attention to the priorities of things and carefully weigh the pros and cons. Duke Huan was really angry with his younger wife Cai Ji, so he went south to attack Cai. Guan Zhong took the opportunity to attack Chu and condemned Baomao for not paying tribute to the Zhou royal family. Duke Huan was actually marching north to conquer Shanrong, but Guan Zhong took the opportunity to let Yan implement Duke Zhao's good governance.
When Qi and Lu had an alliance meeting in Ke, Duke Huan planned to break the treaty he had signed with Cao Mo to return Lu, but Guan Zhong insisted on returning it, which made Lu trust Qi and all the princes in the world also Therefore, they belong to Qi. Therefore, it is said that "knowing how to give in order to receive something is a magic weapon for governing political affairs."
Guan Zhong's wealth can be compared with that of the princes and royal families. He has three returns and rebellions. The people of Qi do not think that it is because of this. He is extravagant. After Guan Zhong's death, the state of Qi followed his political and religious policies and often dominated the princes. More than a hundred years later, another Yanzi appeared.