Confucius said: "Learning without thinking will lead to confusion; thinking without learning will lead to peril."
Confucius said: "Learn and practice from time to time, isn't it true? You have a friend. Isn't it a pleasure to come from afar? Isn't it a gentleman to be ignorant? ? Don’t you practice it? ”
Confucius said: “When I was fifteen, I was determined to learn; when I was thirty, I was not confused; when I was fifty, I knew the destiny; Follow your heart's desires and do not exceed the rules."
Confucius said: "I will not disobey my words all day long, just like a fool. If I withdraw from my son and save my own selfishness, it will be enough for me to return."
Confucius said: "If you review the past and learn the new, you can become a teacher."
Confucius said: "When you see the virtuous, you should think about them; when you see the virtuous, you should introspect yourself."
Confucius said: "Those who know well are not as good as those who are good at it, and those who are good at it are not as good as those who enjoy it."
Confucius said: "Knowing things silently, never getting tired of learning, never getting tired of teaching others, what is that for me?"
Confucius said: "If you are not angry, you will not be enlightened; if you are not angry, you will not be angry. If you take one corner and do not turn it back with three corners, you will never recover."
Confucius said: "Three people walking together must have something. My teacher: Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones.