These two sentences are "If I have three hundred acres of paddy fields, I will not be the king of hozens this time." The meaning of this sentence itself is that if I can have three hundred acres of paddy fields, I will definitely not I will be a person who teaches children to read. When he said this, Qin Hui was still a teacher, and the salary he earned every month could only support his own food and clothing. The reason why he was able to say this was because he was still unwilling to teach and still wanted to enter an official career.
And that sentence can also show his ambition at that time. Three hundred acres of paddy fields also symbolized wealth, power and other things. After all, in ancient times, if any family could have three hundred acres of Shuitian must have a prominent position. Then in the second sentence, "Don't be the Hozen King", the Hozen King actually means the Monkey King, and the Monkey King usually teaches and leads the little monkeys. This is a metaphor for the situation when he was teaching at the time, but this time he is not doing more. It reflects his frustration that he cannot realize his current ambitions, and his determination not to let it go if he has the opportunity.
However, Qin Hui worked very hard for his ambition at that time. Although his life was not very rich, he had been working hard on his studies, and later passed the exam with his own efforts. Jinshi entered the official career from then on. When Qin Hui was an official, he relied on his wisdom and ability to rise through the ranks, and finally became an indispensable minister around the king.
In fact, when Qin Hui first entered the official career, he was quite conscientious and a good official. He advocated resisting the Jin Dynasty at that time, but when he was defeated in a battle, Qin Hui was kidnapped by the enemy and when he came back A lot had changed since then, and he no longer took the lead in the battle. He also killed Yue Fei in the end, leaving him with eternal infamy.