1. There must be a teacher among the three of us; choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones. Mountain roads do not crawl under people's feet like smooth roads.
Translation: Confucius said: "When several people walk together, there must be someone who can be my teacher. I must choose their strengths to learn from. If I see their shortcomings, I must reflect on whether I am like the teacher." If they have the same shortcomings, they should be corrected together."
2. I know this is a bit difficult, but I heard that the ancients said: When three people walk together, there must be a teacher.
Translation: When several people walk together, there must be someone among them who can be my teacher
3. When three people walk together, there must be someone who can be my teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones.
Translation: Confucius said: "When several people walk together, there must be someone who can be my teacher. I must choose their strengths to learn from. If I see their shortcomings, I must reflect on whether I am like the teacher." If they have the same shortcomings, they should be corrected together."
4. A benevolent person does not worry, a knowledgeable person does not worry, and a brave person does not fear. If we are three people, we must have a teacher; choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones.
5. Confucius said: "When three people walk, they must have my teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones.".
6. When three people walk together, they must have a teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and choose the bad ones and change them.
7. The ancients said, "When three people are walking together, there must be someone who can teach me." Therefore, we should not be ashamed to ask.
8. In terms of teaching attitude, we must have the spirit of never getting tired of learning and teaching, and the attitude of knowing what we know, and not knowing what we don’t know. If we are three people, we must have the mentality of being a teacher and not being ashamed to ask questions.
9. Don’t say that September 10th has nothing to do with you. Didn’t you hear Confucius say, “When three people walk together, there must be one who is my teacher?” We have been friends for such a long time and have learned a lot from you. Of course you are qualified to be my teacher. So please accept my blessing to you: Happy Teachers' Day, my dear teacher!
Extended information
Confucius said: When three people walk together, there must be my teacher. This means that Confucius said: "There must be something worth learning from the words and deeds of others." From "The Analects of Confucius" ·Shu Er".
The original text is: "Confucius said: "When three people walk, they must have a teacher; choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones."
< p>Meaning: Confucius said: "There must be something worth learning from other people's words and deeds. Choose others to learn from, see other people's shortcomings, reflect on whether you have the same shortcomings, and if so, correct them."”