The original text is as follows:
Yu rang, the grandson of Jin Biyang, started as an expert in Fan Zhong and said nothing. When he went, he knew Bo and Bo's pet. However, Sanjin, who knows his surname, is most resentful of knowing Bo, so he regards his head as a drinking vessel. Yu rang fled to the mountain and said, "Wow! A scholar dies as a bosom friend, and a woman is her lover. I want my revenge. " He changed his name, became a prisoner, went into the palace to dirty the toilet and tried to assassinate Xiangzi. Xiangzi went to the toilet, moved his heart, asked about the smear, and then Yu shouted. Blade said: "I want to avenge Zhi Bo!" " I want to kill it. Zhao Xiangzi said, "He is an honest man, and I want to avoid him. And I know that Bo is dead and childless, and I want revenge. This world is also a sage. " Release it. Yurang drew a complete figure for himself, cut his eyebrows, executed himself and changed his appearance. He went to beg a beggar, but his wife didn't know. He said, "He doesn't look like my husband, but he sounds like my husband." Swallow charcoal to be dumb and change its voice. His friend said, "My son's road is very difficult and futile. If you say your son is interested, it's natural. Not if you say your son knows. With his talent and good deeds, his son will approach Xing Zi; The son is easy to get close to and do whatever he wants. " Jade Rang said with a smile, "This is for the sake of the prophet and stealing the new king. It's not for those who have messed up the righteousness of the monarch, the minister and the people. It is not easy for me to understand the meaning of this. Moreover, the husband entrusts quality and serves people, but seeking forgiveness means that two hearts serve you. I am embarrassed, and I will be ashamed of this world, this world. "
At first, Yu Rang, the grandson of Bi Yang, a knight-errant of the State of Jin, was a minister of Fan and Bank of China, but he was not taken seriously, so he joined the ranks and became very popular. Later, Han, Zhao and Wei carved up the land in Zhi Bo. Among them, Zhao Xiangzi hated Zhi Bo the most, and regarded Zhi Bo's skull as a drinking vessel. So Yu Rang fled to the mountains and said, "Alas! People with lofty ideals sacrifice for their confidants, and women dress up for those who like themselves, so I must avenge Zhi Bo. " So, Yurang disguised himself as a tortured person and took the opportunity to kill Zhi Bo's enemy Zhao Xiangzi under the cover of going to the palace to wash the toilet. Soon, Zhao Xiangzi went to the toilet and suddenly felt his heart beating. He ordered the interrogation of the toilet washer, only to know that it was Jade Jean who tried to assassinate him in disguise. At this time, Yurang took out his dagger and said, "I want to avenge Zhi Bo!" The officers pulled him down and tried to kill him. Zhao Xiangzi stopped him and said, "This is a righteous man. I just need to be careful to avoid him. Because Zhi Bo left no descendants after his death, some of his courtiers are willing to avenge him. They must be virtuous in the world. "
So, Zhao Xiangzi let go of Yu Rang. But Jade Jean continued to plot revenge for Zhi Bo. He was covered in makeup and made up as a primitive man. At the same time, he shaved off his beard and eyebrows, completely disfigured himself and pretended to be a beggar. Even his wife doesn't know him. After seeing him, he just said, "This man doesn't look like my husband, but he has a similar voice. What is this? " So Yurang swallowed charcoal to change her voice. His friend saw him and said, "It's hard to succeed like this. It is ok to say that you are a man with lofty ideals, but it is wrong to say that you are a wise man. Because with your talent, if you do your best to serve Zhao Xiangzi faithfully, he will definitely value you and trust you. After you gain his trust, you will realize your revenge plan and you will succeed. " Hearing this, Jade Jean smiled and said, "You mean to make new friends for old friends and kill the new monarch for the old monarch. This is a great harm to the justice of the monarch and his subjects. I want to do this today, just to clarify the meaning of the monarch and his subjects, not to get revenge smoothly. Besides, you have committed yourself as a courtier, but you are plotting to assassinate others in the dark, which is tantamount to having second thoughts on the monarch. The reason why I want to do this today, knowing that I can't do it, is to shame the officials who have two hearts in the world. "