To sum it up: unexpected, but reasonable. There is one less crying child waiting to be treated in the world, but there is one more madman laughing maniacally and pouring out violence.
Jinx has had mental problems since she was a child, which probably originated from the death of her parents. From that moment on, only Wei was left in her world. The separation in the third episode caused Jinx's mental problems to further expand, and in order to survive, she had to run to Hilko. It can also be seen here that Jinx is still very sensitive and knew that Hilko wanted to kill her at that time.
What do Jinx say? Without Wei’s doting and protection, Hilko’s true nature should be inspired. Starting from episode 4, except for the person Jinx cares about (Vi), other It doesn't matter to him, he doesn't even blink if he shoots or kills him, he just does whatever he wants and does whatever he wants. Of course, in order not to be abandoned by Hilko, or because he was afraid that he would be useless and abandoned again, he kept working for Hilko.
Bangbang is a relatively typical borderline disorder personality, which later led to schizophrenia, mainly auditory hallucinations and multiple personalities. The so-called "borderline personality disorder" is an unhealthy psychological pattern based on interpersonal relationships and out-of-control self-emotions. There are two core symptoms:
1. Extreme fear of being "abandoned". This abandonment may be realistic or imagined by the patient.
2. Always handle interpersonal relationships in an extreme, impulsive, and unstable manner. One moment it is extremely idealistic, the next moment it is extremely derogatory.
He has been instilling in Jinx extremely unhealthy concepts such as "we are the only ones left in this world", "kill the past", "Vi did abandon you".
"There are only two of us left in this world", this is a typical relationship mode that blurs the boundaries between subject and object, and is an extremely bad attachment form. As a borderline personality disorder, what Bangbang needs is to integrate object experience and eliminate the sense of persecution and anxiety. "Kill the past". Sigh... Anyone with a little bit of psychological common sense knows that in order to be cured, what patients need most is to accept the past and embrace themselves.
There is also the fact that he repeatedly instilled into Jinx that "Vi did abandon you"... It can be said that the "father-daughter relationship" established by Hilko and Jinx is An extremely unhealthy sexual attachment. This kind of attachment does not help the patient's improvement. On the contrary, together with the patient's experience of violence as a teenager, it greatly deepens the patient's condition.
By the time he reached adulthood, Jinx's condition had become a schizophrenia that combined "auditory hallucinations, multiple personalities, and extreme violent tendencies." And her borderline disorder personality has not improved at all. Just seeing Vi and Caitlin together made her fear of abandonment take over her again.
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