Mencius said: "Shun was born in Zhufeng, moved to Fuxia, and died in Mingtiao, and he was a person of the Eastern Yi. King Wen was born in Qizhou and died in Biying, and he was a person of the Western Yi." The appearance of the earth is still a thousand miles away; the appearance of the world is still more than a year old. If the ambition is to travel to China, if it is consistent with the sage, it will be the same."
Zichan Tingzheng. The government of the country relies on the aid of people in Qinwei. Mencius said: "Hui does not know how to govern. In the eleventh month of the year, the poles are formed, and in the twelfth month the beams are formed, and the people are not affected by illness. A gentleman is in charge of his administration, and he can guide others. How can he help everyone?" Therefore, it is not enough for a politician to please everyone. "
Mencius told King Xuan of Qi: "The king treats his ministers as his hands and feet; his ministers regard him as his heart; Dogs and horses, then the ministers will treat the king like a countryman; if the king treats the ministers like dirt, then the ministers will treat the king like a bandit. "The king said: "Rituals, I have to obey the old king, how can I obey him like this?" He said: "Admonishment. Listen to the words, and the blessings are given to the people. If you leave for a reason, you will have people lead you out of the territory and go there first. If you don't turn back after three years, you can collect the land. This is called the three etiquette. I have obeyed him. Now I am a minister who refuses to do what I say and does not listen to my words. His blessings are not inferior to those of the people. If he leaves for a reason, he will stick to them and follow them wherever he goes. On the day he leaves, he will collect his land. Here. This is called bandits. How can bandits be subdued?"
Mencius said: "If you kill the people without guilt, the officials can go; if you kill the people without guilt, the soldiers can move away."
p>Mencius said: "No king is benevolent, and no king is unjust."
Mencius said: "The etiquette that is not etiquette, the righteousness that is not righteous, the great man cannot do it."
< p> Mencius said: "If you are not able to nurture the middle, you will not be able to nourish the talented, so you are happy to have virtuous fathers and brothers. If you are not middle-aged, you will not be able to be middle-aged, and you will not be able to abandon the talented, then the virtuous and the unworthy will be separated, and you will not be able to measure your leisure." ”Mencius said: “People do not do anything, and then they can do something.”
Mencius said: “If you talk about people’s bad deeds, what will happen later?”
Mencius said: "Zhongni is not a person who has done too much."
Mencius said: "A great man does not have to trust his words and his deeds will not bear fruit, only righteousness lies."
Mencius said: "A great man is one who has not lost his innocent heart."
Mencius said: "Keeping one's health is not enough to do great things, but sending one's death can be a great thing."
Mencius Said: "The gentleman who studies the Tao deeply wants to achieve it by himself. If he achieves it by himself, he will live in peace; if he lives in peace, he will have deep knowledge; if he has deep knowledge, he will take the left and right sides according to the original source. Therefore, the gentleman wants to live in peace. Yes."
Mencius said: "If you are knowledgeable and explain it in detail, you will be able to explain it in reverse."
Mencius said: "No one can convince others with kindness. That is, if you cultivate people with good deeds, you will be able to serve the world. If the world is not convinced, then there is no such thing as a king.” "
Xu Zi said: "Zhongni urgently called the water, saying: 'Water, water!' How can it be taken from water?" Mencius said: "The original spring is mixed, and it does not give up day and night. When the rain falls in July and August, all ditches and ditches will be filled with water. Therefore, it is necessary to stand up and wait for the voice to pass. , a gentleman is ashamed of it."
Mencius said: "The reason why people are different from animals is that the common people will leave them, but the gentleman will keep them." , It is not the practice of benevolence and righteousness."
Mencius said: "Yu hated drinking but loved good words. Tang Zhizhong, there is no way to establish talents. King Wen looked at the people as if they were wounded, and looked at the road without seeing it. King Wu does not let go of the near and does not forget the far. The Duke of Zhou thought about combining the three kings to do four things. If there was any discrepancy between them, he looked up and thought about them day and night. If he was lucky enough to get them, he sat down and waited for the day. ”
Mencius said: “The traces of the king are extinguished, and the poems die. After the poems die, they are composed in the Spring and Autumn Period. The Cheng of Jin, the Tao of Chu, and the Spring and Autumn of Lu are all the same. His affairs are related to Qi Huan and Jin Wen, and his writings are related to history. Confucius said: "The meaning is that Qiu stole it." ’”
Mencius said: “A gentleman’s favor will be beheaded for five generations, and a villain’s favor will be cut for five generations. I am not a disciple of Confucius, but I am a private and Shu person. "
Mencius said: "You can take it, you can not take it, taking it will hurt your integrity; you can give it, you can not give it, and it will hurt your benefit; you can die, you can not die, and death will hurt your courage. "
Pang Meng learned to shoot at Yi and practiced Yi's way. He thought that Yi was the only one in the world who could heal himself, so he killed Yi. Mencius said: "Is Yi guilty of this? Gong Mingyi said: "It is better if you are innocent." ’ He said, “Bo Huyun, you are not guilty of evil? The people of Zheng sent their son Zhuo Ruzi to invade the Wei, and the Wei sent Yu Gong Si to pursue him. Zi Zhuo Ruzi said: "Today I am in a hurry and cannot hold the bow. I will die, husband!" He asked his servant, "Who is chasing me?" His servant said, "This is what Yu Gong is doing." ’ He said: ‘I am alive. ’ His servant said: ‘Yu Gong’s Si is the one who is good at shooting. Master said, ‘I am born’, so what does that mean? Husband Yin Gong treats him as a good person, and he must be careful when making friends. ’ When Yu Gong arrived, he said, ‘Master, why don’t you hold the bow? ’ He said, ‘I am working hard today and cannot hold the bow. ’ He said: ‘The villain learned archery from Yin Gong’s master, and Yin Gong’s master learned archery from his master. I can't bear to use the Master's ways to harm the Master. Although today's matter is your matter, I dare not abolish it. ’ Draw the arrow to buckle the chakra, remove its gold, send the arrow forward and then reverse it.