1. Good manners are composed of small sacrifices;
2. Without learning etiquette, there is no way to establish it;
3. The reason why mortals are more valuable than Beasts must be polite;
4. The most appetizing thing at a banquet is the host’s etiquette;
5. Impoliteness is the illegitimate child of ignorance;
6. Only virtuous and virtuous people can obey others;
7. People cannot live like animals and should pursue knowledge and virtue;
8. Don’t be evil because of small things. To do this, don’t think it’s a small thing and don’t do it;
9. It’s not about disrespecting one’s position, but it’s about disrespecting one’s virtues, it’s not about being ashamed of not being a good partner, but it’s being ashamed of not being knowledgeable;
10. Earth can build a city wall, and accumulation of virtue can make a solid ground.