Water carries a boat, while water overturns it is a famous saying of Xunzi. This sentence comes from Xunzi Wang Zhi: "It is said:' The monarch boat, Shu Ren water, water carries the boat, water capsizes the boat.' This is also called. "The king is like a boat, and the people are like water. Water can make the boat run or drown it. Xunzi believes that the king's government is a kind of politics that uses virtue to abolish and punish the people, with clear rewards and punishments, which can make everyone return to propriety and righteousness. Politeness and law should be used in dealing with political affairs. Kings don't have to be hands-on, but rely on gentlemen to govern the country.
In addition, we must make clear the hierarchy of seniority and make it mutually restrictive. Xunzi pointed out that a good ruler should have the character and means of being peaceful and loving the people, being respectful and respectful to scholars, and enabling Shang Xian. These are the three major things he should do.
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In the later period of Zhenguan in Tang Dynasty, Wei Zhi said in the famous Ten Thoughts on admonishing Taizong: "The grievances are not great, but people are to be feared. It is advisable to be cautious when carrying a boat and overturning it. " It means: resentment does not lie in size, but in the deviation of people's hearts. Water can also capsize a ship, so we should be highly cautious. Emperor Taizong appreciated this view of Xunzi and Wei Zhi very much, and quoted and developed this view many times when discussing the governance of the country with the monarch and ministers. He said in the article "On Regime": "Jun, the boat is also; People, water also; Water can carry a boat or overturn it. " Xunzi, Wei Zhi and Emperor Taizong all deeply understood that the people's power is extremely great and emphasized the importance of relying on the people's power. This brilliant idea of theirs was accepted by the ruling classes of past dynasties. It has played an active role in promoting the rulers of past dynasties to respect the people's feelings and public opinions and govern for the people.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Water carries a boat, while water overturns it.