"Yu er Shu" original: forbearance is a virtue at home. If you didn't hear Mencius, what happened to the three reflections? If we must strive for victory, we are stupid and ineffective, asking for trouble. How can I get along with people who are concentric with me when I am alive? You can learn and know everything when you encounter difficulties. Mencius's "born in sorrow" and "sick in sorrow" are all true.
Wu Rulun's thought is relatively open, and he advocates learning western learning. He hired English and Japanese teachers when he gave lectures at Lianchi College. He also prefaced Yan Fu's translation of Evolution and Fu Yuan, as well as various works by American and Japanese scholars, and advocated enlightenment.
He loves to learn from western celebrities and scholars, exchange new ideas and new sciences, and thinks that "there is no real ability, which is not enough to compete with outsiders." Wu Rulun devoted himself to education all his life and knew the law of education.