One day, Mr Xun's friends gave a banquet in honor of Xun Mei. On the way, Mr. Wang came to visit Xun Mei. When Xun Mei arrived at Mr. Wang's house, he happened to be a Taoist priest.
Just after the calculation, Xun Mei heard the news of his mother's death. Knowing that he was in a difficult situation, Mr. Wang lent money to his mother for the funeral.
It happened that Shen Xiangfu on the set also died. The funeral lasted more than two months. Afterwards, Mr. Wang bid farewell to Xun Mei and hurried to Beijing.
As soon as Mr. Wang arrived, he was sent to Nanchang magistrate to take office. When handing over the funeral, dad was in poor health. I met his son, talked with Kuai Gongzi several times, and felt particularly predestined friends.
According to the advice of Seven Childes, Mr. Wang became the first capable member in Jiangxi.
At that time, King Ning of Jiangxi rebelled, and Wang was forced to surrender, wanted by the court and hated by the people. After Wang Ning's defeat, Wang Yuan fled everywhere.
When I met the descendants of Qi Gongzi in Wuzhen, Zhejiang, Qi Gongsun felt sorry for him and gave him the recovered money as a travel expense. In return, Mr. Wang gave him some residual books he brought out.
Before leaving, Mr. Wang cut his hair and became a monk.
After returning home, Qi Gongsun showed this book to Grandpa. Qi Taishou marveled at the uniqueness of this book. After listening to this, Qi Gongsun fell into a state of mind, changed the author's name to himself and occupied the book.
Qi satrap didn't say anything when he knew it, but kept teaching Qi Gongsun to write some poems.
The third and fourth master of Loufu visited and left a few days later. He went to the burial place of his ancestors and met Zou San, the son of the grave keeper Zou Jipu. After meeting him, I heard that a scholar, Yang Zhizhong, was very good, but he was in prison.
After Lou Fu's three or four masters helped him get out of prison, they all visited him, but there was no news in the end. On the way back, they met their fellow countryman Lubian and talked a few words.
Editor Lu called at home and asked Kuaigongsun about his date of birth and death. The next day, a Taoist priest came to the door and said that Kuaigongsun and editor Lu's daughter had arranged the marriage.
A few days later, Zou Jipu came to visit, mentioned Yang Zhizhong and Lou Fusheng Ye Si, visited again, finally met him and invited him home.
Kuaigongsun's son-in-law entered Lujia, and Miss Lujia was gifted. Lu Jiankuai Gongsun Zan is not a knowledgeable person, and the editor regretted it.
Because Qi Gongsun refused to do a career, he was unhappy. At night, he collapsed, his body was numb, his mouth and eyes were askew, and Gongsun Zan of Qi accompanied him for several days.
Yang Zhizhong wants to recommend another capable person.